Bootlin at Netdev 0x19, THE Technical Conference on Linux Networking

Netdev 0x19The Netdev conference is THE annual event dedicated to Linux networking, featuring numerous talks, presentations, and discussions on all aspects of network support in the Linux kernel and ecosystem. It takes place this year on March 10-13 in Zagreb, Croatia.

Given the importance of these topics to Bootlin, our engineers Köry Maincent and Romain Gantois are attending in person. Köry has contributed to Linux’s new Power over Ethernet support and improvements in PTP timestamping flexibility, while Romain is actively working on SFP support. Additionally, Bootlin networking expert Maxime Chevallier will be following the conference remotely.

Attending Netdev is essential for Bootlin, enabling our engineers to stay at the forefront of Linux networking advancements, collaborate with key contributors, and take part in discussions shaping the future of networking in the Linux kernel. By actively participating, we ensure that Bootlin continues to make meaningful contributions to the ecosystem while strengthening our expertise to better support our customers and open-source initiatives.

Bootlin at FOSDEM 2025 and co-located events

FOSDEM 2025The highly popular and super interesting FOSDEM conference will as usual take place the first week-end of February in Brussels. Many Bootlin engineers have been attending the event over the years, and we highly recommend anyone in the open-source ecosystem to attend at least once to get a sense of what FOSDEM looks like, and benefit from the hundreds of talks that are given.

This year, no less than 10 Bootlin engineers will be attending FOSDEM: Thomas Perrot, Louis Chauvet, Luca Ceresoli, Hervé Codina, Alexis Lothore, Théo Lebrun, Mathieu Dubois-Briand, Antonin Godard, Thomas Bonnefille and Thomas Petazzoni.

In addition, Mathieu Dubois-Briand and Antonin Godard will both be attending the OpenEmbedded Workshop 2025, which takes place on Monday right after FOSDEM, and Mathieu will be giving a talk Yocto Build Failure Swat Team – Workflow and Updates:

All Yocto branches under active maintenance, in addition to any patches proposed on the mailing lists, are built on the Yocto autobuilder. The Yocto SWAT team is responsible for monitoring build failures, doing a first investigation of their causes, logging the issues, and notifying the relevant

In this session, Mathieu will outline tasks and processes of the SWAT team, along with the tooling and recent improvements.

And finally, Thomas Petazzoni and Thomas Bonnefille will be attending the Buildroot Developer Days, organized right after FOSDEM.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us during FOSDEM or the co-located events!

Bootlin at Capitole du Libre, November 16/17 in Toulouse, France

Capitole du LibreCapitole du Libre is one of the major open-source conferences in France, possibly the most important community-driven open-source conference in France. Coincidentally, it was co-founded over 10 years ago by Bootlin CEO Thomas Petazzoni, but it’s now run by a large group of enthusiast volunteers.

As one of the Bootlin offices is precisely based in Toulouse, and Bootlin is strongly connected to open-source projects and communities, it is natural that Bootlin engineers have been attending Capitole du Libre for pretty much as long as it has existed, and the 2024 edition will be no exception to this rule:

Bootlin is hiring, for both full-time embedded Linux engineer positions, and for embedded Linux engineering internships, so do not hesitate to get in touch during the event to discuss career opportunities at Bootlin!

Additionally, our hardware and electronic design partner and friend Ratiotech will be present, and they are hiring electronic design engineers, get in touch as well!

We’re looking forward to meeting the open-source community at Capitole du Libre, discovering new projects, and learning new things. Join us and attend the event!

Feedback from Open Source Summit Europe 2024: our selection of talks #1

Open Source Summit Europe 2024The Open Source Summit Europe took place about a month ago in Vienna, and a large part of the Bootlin team attended the event, at which we also gave two talks.

At Bootlin, after such conferences, we also have a tradition of highlighting a number of talks we found interesting, and sharing this selection with our readers: we have asked each Bootlin engineer who attended Open Source Summit Europe 2024 to pick one talk they liked, and share a summary.

You’ll find in this first blog post a first selection of 3 talks: with their videos being available, this gives you the ideal playlist for the upcoming cold and rainy evenings!

Continue reading “Feedback from Open Source Summit Europe 2024: our selection of talks #1”

Bootlin contributions to Linux Plumbers conference: slides and videos

Luca Ceresoli and Hervé Codina speaking at Linux Plumbers conference 2024After the participation of 13 Bootlin engineers to Open Source Summit 2024, no less then 8 Bootlin engineers attended the Linux Plumbers Conference that took place right after Open Source Summit Europe in Vienna.

In addition to participating, we contributed 3 talks/discussions (Linux Plumbers is primarily designed to host discussions, not pure talks): Representing the front-facing ports of Ethernet interfaces, Hotplug DRM pipeline components on non-discoverable video busses and Runtime hotplug on non-discoverable busses with device tree overlays.

In this blog post, we’re happy to share the slides and videos of those talks.

Continue reading “Bootlin contributions to Linux Plumbers conference: slides and videos”

Bootlin talks at Open Source Summit Europe 2024: slides and videos

João Marcos Costa giving his talk at Open Source Summit Europe 2024No less than 13 Bootlin engineers attended the Open Source Summit Europe 2024 in Vienna earlier this month, and two Bootlin engineers gave talks at this conference, keeping with Bootlin’s long standing tradition of sharing knowledge with our peers of the broader embedded Linux community.

In this blog post, we’re happy to share the slides and videos of the two talks we have during this event: Linux Power Management Features, Their Relationships and Interactions and Inspecting and Optimizing Memory Usage in Linux

Continue reading “Bootlin talks at Open Source Summit Europe 2024: slides and videos”

Bootlin at Kernel Recipes 2024

Kernel Recipes 2024Just after the busy week of Open Source Summit Europe and Linux Plumbers in Vienna, the Kernel Recipes conference is starting in Paris, as it takes place on Sep 23-25.

With its single-track format, high-profile speakers, small audience and friendly atmosphere, Kernel Recipes is quite unique in the landscape of open-source conferences, and has therefore become very popular over the past 10 years.

This year again, Bootlin engineers are attending this event, with this year 5 of our engineers participating: Jérémie Dautheribes, Alexis Lothoré, Romain Gantois, Louis Chauvet and Bastien Curutchet.

Bootlin engineers at Kernel Recipes

Do not hesitate to get in touch with the Bootlin engineers at the event to discuss Linux kernel and/or embedded Linux topics!

Bootlin topics at Linux Plumbers conference in Vienna, Sep 18-20

Linux Plumbers conference 2024Next week is going to be a busy week in Vienna, with the Open Source Summit Europe followed by the Linux Plumbers conference. As we had already published in a previous blog post, Bootlin will have a very strong presence at those events: 13 Bootlin engineers will participate to the Open Source Summit and 2 will give talks, and 8 Bootlin engineers will participate to Linux Plumbers.

Regarding Linux Plumbers, we also proposed 3 discussion topics that got accepted:

  • Representing the front-facing ports of Ethernet interfaces, a discussion proposed by Bootlin engineer Maxime Chevallier. This is a topic that Maxime has been working on for quite some time, mainly as part of customer projects at Bootlin. The first step of this effort recently got merged in the Linux kernel, and the ethtool part is being reviewed, but what got merged is only the first step, and additional developments are needed and will be discussed at Plumbers.
  • Runtime hotplug on non-discoverable busses with device tree overlays, a discussion proposed by Bootlin engineers Luca Ceresoli and Hervé Codina. Both Luca and Hervé have been working over the past year or so on projects that involve using Device Tree overlays. Luca on a project where a part of the hardware, with non-discoverable busses (I2C, DSI, etc.) is connected/disconnected at runtime, and Hervé on a project where a PCI device is a full SoC with numerous peripherals that already have drivers in the kernel. Several patch series have been proposed on the mailing lists already, and we hope this discussion at Plumbers will help move the topic forward.
  • Hotplug DRM pipeline components on non-discoverable video busses, a discussion proposed by Bootlin engineer Luca Ceresoli is also related to the previous project, but this discussion focuses on the DRM aspect. Indeed, one of the non-discoverable bus that gets connected/disconnected in our use-case is DSI, so we need to make it hotpluggable, which isn’t supported by Linux currently. We made some proposals on the mailing lists on this topic, and discussion is on-going. We hope a face to face discussion at Plumbers can help moving this other topic forward.

Meet us next week in Vienna, either at the Open Source Summit and/or at Linux Plumbers!

Bootlin at Open Source Summit Europe and Linux Plumbers in Vienna, Sep 16-20

On the week of September 16-20, Vienna is going the place to be for all open-source developers, with a large number of conferences taking place during this week. Being strong contributors to several key open-source projects, Bootlin will be strongly present at those conferences.

Open Source Summit Europe 2024

Open Source Summit Europe will take place on Sep 16-18, and its schedule has recently been published. This year, the Embedded Linux Conference part of this conference is unfortunately reduced to just 2 tracks of 2 days, but we nevertheless hope to see some interesting topics. Bootlin has contributed and will contribute to this event with:

In addition, no less than 12 Bootlin engineers will participate to this Open Source Summit Europe: Alexandre Belloni, Grégory Clement, Hervé Codina, João Marcos Costa, Kamel Bouhara, Louis Chauvet, Miquèl Raynal, Richard Genoud, Théo Lebrun, Thomas Petazzoni, Thomas Perrot and another engineer who will join our team just in time before the event to be part of the trip.

Linux Plumbers 2024Right after the Open Source Summit, we will also be present at the Linux Plumbers conference. We have already submitted a few topics in various micro-conferences, and we’re hoping to see them accepted. Regardless of that, 8 engineers from our team will be attending Linux Plumbers: Hervé Codina, Louis Chauvet, Luca Ceresoli, Maxime Chevallier, Miquèl Raynal, Théo Lebrun, Thomas Petazzoni, Thomas Perrot.

We look forward to meeting the community, presenting our projects and ideas and learning about the work done by others! See you all in Vienna in September!

Back from the Embededded Linux Conference: selection of talks #3

After a first and a second episode, our series of blog posts with our selection of talks we liked at the latest Embedded Linux Conference continues. Read on to discover the last 3 talks that we enjoyed and decided to summarize and highlight for you.

Continue reading “Back from the Embededded Linux Conference: selection of talks #3”