Using Flutter on NVidia Jetson to build graphical applications


Flutter is an open source UI framework, released in 2017 by Google, that allows the creation of multi-platform applications, without having to worry about constraints related to supported platforms.

Flutter applications are written in a programming language called Dart, then compiled and run as a native applications, to be efficiently executed on Linux, Android, iOS or Windows platforms, but also as Web applications.

On Linux platforms, Flutter can be used on top of several graphic back-ends:

  • DRM
  • Wayland
  • X11

Flutter is composed of four main parts:

  • the embedder (C++, Java…): the glue for specific platforms that provides surface rendering, vsync.
  • the engine (C/C++): the graphic engine based on Skia, that provides asset resolution, graphics shell, Dart VM…
  • the framework (Dart): to create UI by using widgets, animation…
  • the applications (Dart)

In this article, we show how to build a custom Linux distribution that includes a Flutter Embedder that uses the DRM/EGLStream backend, in order to run the Flutter Gallery application on the NVIDIA Tegra Xavier NX platform.

In addition, we will also extend a Yocto SDK to embed the Flutter toolchain, to be able to build Flutter applications directly with the SDK.

Configure Yocto and build an image

To build our Flutter-enabled Linux distribution, we have chosen to use OpenEmbedded, driven through the Kas utility. Kas is a tool developed by Siemens to facilitate the setup of projects based on Bitbake, such as OpenEmbedded or Yocto.

Kas relies on a YAML file that indicates the information required to:

  • clone bitbake and required layers
  • configure the build environment
  • launch bitbake process

Below is the Kas YAML file that we created for this example:

  version: 11

build_system: oe

machine: jetson-xavier-nx-devkit

distro: nodistro

 - core-image-minimal


    refspec: "2.0"
      .: excluded

    refspec: kirkstone

    refspec: kirkstone

    refspec: kirkstone

    refspec: kirkstone

  standard: |
    FLUTTER_RUNTIME = "release"
    FLUTTER_SDK_TAG = "3.0.1"

    DISTRO_FEATURES:append = " opengl wayland"
    REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES:append = " opengl wayland"

    IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " flutter-drm-eglstream-backend flutter-gallery-release tegra-udrm-probeconf"

    TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK:append = " nativesdk-flutter-sdk"
    TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK:append = " gtk+3-dev"

    CLANGSDK = "1"
    INIT_MANAGER ?= "systemd"

Several OpenEmbedded layers are used:

  • Obviously the openembedded-core layer, the base
  • The meta-flutter layer, which contains all the Flutter related recipes
  • The meta-tegra layer, which is our BSP layer containing all the bootloader/kernel and machine-specific recipes for the Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX platform
  • The meta-clang layer, which is needed by the meta-flutter layer, as Flutter is built using the Clang compiler

As we chose to use a DRM/EGLStream backend of Flutter we extend the DISTRO_FEATURES to enable the support of OpenGL and Wayland:

DISTRO_FEATURES:append = " opengl wayland"

In addition, we extend the list of packages that will be installed in the image with the ones that provide the Flutter embedder and the Gallery application:

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " flutter-drm-eglstream-backend flutter-gallery-release"

Moreover, as we want to use the release 2.10.5 of Flutter, and without debug support:


Finally, we also install the package that provides a configuration to set the correct modeset when the Tegra direct rendering module is probed.

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " tegra-udrm-probeconf"

Using this YAML file, we can instruct Kas to launch the build:

kas build kas-flutter-example.yml

Storage flash process

Images and Nvidia tools to flash Jetson platforms are packaged into a tarball built and deployed as a target image into the folder build/tmp-glibc/deploy/images.

The SD card image for the Jetson Xavier NX can be flashed in two different ways:

  • from the target board,
  • from the host.

Here, we explain how to flash it from the target board.

Note: Each Jetson model has its own particular storage layout.

First, we need to extract the tegraflash archive:

mkdir tegraflash                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
cd tegraflash                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
tar -xvzf ../build/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/jetson-xavier-nx-devkit/core-image-minimal-jetson-xavier-nx-devkit.tegraflash.tar.gz

Moreover, to be able to flash the Jetson Xavier NX, it is required to switch it in recovery mode. For that it is necessary to connect a jumper between the 3rd and 4th pins from the right hand side of the “button header” underneath the back of the module (FRC and GND; see the labeling on the underside of the carrier board).

With this done, the module will power up in recovery mode automatically and will be visible from the host PC as an additional USB device:

lsusb |egrep 0955
Bus 003 Device 047: ID 0955:7e19 NVIDIA Corp.

Overall, here are the steps to follow to flash the SD card and the SPI Nand:

  • Start with your Jetson powered off.
  • Enable the recovery mode, as indicated above.
  • Connect the USB cable from your Jetson to your development host.
  • Insert an SD card into the slot on the module.
  • Power on the Jetson and put it into recovery mode.
  • Execute ./ from the extracted tegraflash archive.

Finally, the target will boot.

Launch the Flutter application

Now, it is possible to start the Flutter Gallery application which is part of the core-image-minimal image, together with the Flutter stack, with the following command:

flutter-drm-eglstream-backend -b /usr/share/gallery

Customize a Yocto SDK

The OpenEmbedded build system can also be used to generate an application development SDK, that is a self-extracting tarball containing a cross-development toolchain, libraries and headers. This allows application developers to build, deploy and debug applications without having to do the OpenEmbedded build themselves.

It is possible to enrich the SDK’s sysroots with additional packages, through the variables TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK and TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK.
That allows for example to extend the SDK with for example profiling tools, debug tools, symbols to be able to debug offline.

So, we used these variables to append the Flutter SDK and required dependencies to the Yocto SDK, to be able to cross-build Flutter applications with it.

TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK:append = " nativesdk-flutter-sdk"
TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK:append = " gtk+3-dev"

To build the SDK with the same setup as the image previously built, we invoke Kas as follows:

kas shell kas-flutter-example.yml -c "bitbake -fc populate_sdk core-image-minimal"

Deploy the SDK

The SDKs built by OpenEmbedded are deployed in the folder build/tmp-glibc/deploy/sdk, so they can be extracted as follows to a folder:

build/tmp-glibc/deploy/sdk/ -y -d ${destination}

To use the SDK, it is required to source the environment setup script that will set some cross-compile variables, like CC, LD, GDB, in the shell environment to develop or debug applications with SDK’s sysroots:

source <destination>/environment-setup-armv8a-oe-linux

Cross-build the Flutter gallery application

To illustrate how to use the SDK, let’s see how to build the Gallery Flutter application with the Yocto SDK. Before calling the flutter command, the SDK environment-setup script has been sourced and the following environment variables have been set:

  • FLUTTER_SDK: the path to the Flutter SDK into the Yocto SDK,
  • ENGINE_SDK: where the Flutter engine shall be built,
  • PATH: to extend the shell environment with Flutter tools provided by the SDK.

We can then retrieve the application source code:

git clone
cd gallery
git checkout 9eb785cb997ff56c46e933c1c591f0a6f31454f6

Here, it is a workaround, that allows the flutter command line to correctly find the version of Flutter SDK:

export SDK_ROOT=/sysroots/x86_64-oesdk-linux/usr/share/flutter/sdk
git config --global --add $SDK_ROOT
chmod a+rw $SDK_ROOT -R
rm -rf ${SDK_ROOT}/bin/cache/pkg/sky_engine/

Without the workaround above, the following error is raised:

The current Flutter SDK version is 0.0.0-unknown.
Failed to find the latest git commit date: VersionCheckError: Command exited with code 128: git -c log.showSignature=false log -n 1 --pretty=format:%ad --date=iso
Standard out:
Standard error: error: object directory build/downloads/git2/ does not exist; check .git/objects/info/alternates
fatal: bad object HEAD
Returning 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000 instead.

Set the required environment variables and build the application for Linux:

export FLUTTER_SDK="${destination}/sysroots/x86_64-oesdk-linux/usr/share/flutter/sdk"
export PATH=${FLUTTER_SDK}/bin:$PATH
export ENGINE_SDK="./engine_sdk/sdk"

flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
flutter doctor -v
flutter build linux --release
flutter build bundle

This gives you the Flutter application, ready to run on the target!


In this blog post, we have shown that deploying Flutter on an OpenEmbedded distribution was a relatively easy process, and that the SDK can be extended to allow building Flutter applications.

An introduction to PipeWire

This blog post is the first part of a series of 3 articles related to the PipeWire project and its usage in embedded Linux systems.


PipeWire is a graph-based processing engine, that focuses on handling multimedia data (audio, video and MIDI mainly).

It has gained steam early on by allowing screen sharing on Wayland desktops, which for security reasons, does not allow an application to access any framebuffer that does not concern it. The PipeWire daemon was run with sufficient privileges to access screen data; giving access through a D-Bus service to requesting applications, with file-descriptor passing for the actual video transfer. It was as such bundled in the Fedora distribution, version 27.

Later on, the idea was to expand this to also allow handling audio streams in the processing graph. Big progress has been done by Wim Taymans on this front, and PipeWire is now the default sound server of the desktop Fedora distribution, since version 34.

The project is currently in active development. It happens in the open, lead by Wim Taymans. The API and ABI can both be considered stable, even though version 1.0 has not been released yet. The changelog exposes very few breaking changes (two years without one) and many bug fixes. It is developed in C, using a Meson and Ninja based build system. It has very few unconditional runtime dependencies, but we’ll go through those during our first install.

Throughout this series of blog articles, our goal will be to discover PipeWire and the possiblities it provides, focusing upon audio usage on embedded platforms. A detailed theoretical overview at the start will allow us to follow up with a hands-on approach. Starting with a minimal Buildroot setup on a Microchip SAMA5D3 Xplained board, we will create then our own custom PipeWire source node. We will then study how dynamic, low-latency routing can be done. We’ll end with experiments regarding audio-over-ethernet.

A note: we will start with many theoretical aspects, that are useful to get a good mental model of the way PipeWire works and how it can be used to implement any wanted behavior. This introduction might therefore get a little exhaustive at times, and it could be a good approach to skip even if a concept isn’t fully grasped, to come back later during hands-ons when details on a specific subject is required.

Sky-high overview

A PipeWire graph is composed of nodes. Each node takes an arbitrary number of inputs called ports, does some processing over this multimedia data, and sends data out of its output ports. The edges in the graph are here called links. They are capable of connecting an output port to an input port.

Nodes can have an arbitrary number of ports. A node with only output ports is often called a source, and a sink is a node that only possesses input ports. For example, a stereo ALSA PCM playback device can be seen as a sink with two input ports: front-left and front-right.

Here is a visual representation of a PipeWire graph instance, provided by the Helvum GTK patchbay:

Screenshot provided by the Helvum project

Visual attributes are used in Helvum to describe the state of nodes, ports and links:

  • Node names are in white, with their ports being underneath the names. Input ports are on the left while output ports are on the right.
  • “Dummy-Driver” and “Freewheel-Driver” nodes have no ports. Those two are particular sinks (with dynamic input ports, that appear when we connect a node to them) used in specific conditions by PipeWire.
  • Red means MIDI, yellow means video and blue means audio.
  • Links are solid when active (data is “passing-through” them) and dashed when in a paused state.

Note: if your Linux desktop is running PipeWire, trying installing Helvum to graphically monitor and edit your multimedia graph! It is currently packaged on Fedora, Arch Linux, Flathub, and others.

Design choices

There are a few noticeable design choices that explain why PipeWire is being adopted for desktop and embedded Linux use cases.

Session and policy management

One first design choice was to avoid tackling any management logic directly inside PipeWire; context-dependent behaviour such as monitoring for new ALSA devices, and configuring them so that they appear as nodes, or automatically connecting nodes using links is not handled. It rather provides an API that allows spawning and controlling those graph objects. This API is then relied upon by client processes to control the graph structure, without having to worry about the graph execution process.

A pattern that is often used and is recommended is to have a single client be a daemon that deals with the whole session and policy management. Two implementations are known as of today:

  • pipewire-media-session, which was the first implementation of a session manager. It is now called an example and used mainly in debugging scenarios.
  • WirePlumber, which takes a modular approach: it provides another, higher-level API compared to the PipeWire one, and runs Lua scripts that implement the management logic using the said API. In particular, this session manager gets used in Fedora since version 35. It ships with default scripts and configuration that handle linking policies as well as monitoring and automatic spawning of ALSA, bluez, libcamera and v4l2 devices. The API is available from any process, not only from WirePlumber’s Lua scripts.

Individual node execution

As described above, the PipeWire daemon is responsible for handling the proper processing of the graph (executing nodes in the right order at the right time and forwarding data as described by links) and exposing an API to allow authorized clients to control the graph. Another key point of PipeWire’s design is that the node processing can be done in any Linux process. This has a few implications:

  • The PipeWire daemon is capable of doing some node processing. This can be useful to expose a statically-configured ALSA device to the graph for example.
  • Any authorized process can create a PipeWire node and be responsible for the processing involved (getting some data from input ports and generating data for output ports). A process that wants to play stereo audio from a file could create a node with two output ports.
  • A process can create multiple PipeWire nodes. That allows one to create more complex applications; a browser would for example be able to create a node per tab that requests the ability to play audio, letting the session manager handle the routing: this allows the user to route different tab sources to different sinks. Another example would be an application that requires many inputs.

API and backward compatibility

As we will see later on, PipeWire introduces a new API that allows one to read and write to the graph’s overall state. In particular, it allows one to implement a source and/or sink node that will be handling audio samples (or other multimedia data).

One key point for PipeWire’s quick adoption is a focus on providing a shim layer to currently-widespread audio API in the Linux environment. That is:

    • It can obviously expose ALSA sinks or sources inside the graph. This is at the heart of what makes PipeWire useful: it can interact with local audio hardware. It uses alsa-lib as any other ALSA client. PipeWire is also capable of creating virtual ALSA sinks or sources, to interface with applications that rely solely upon the alsa-lib API.
    • It can implement the PulseAudio API in place of PulseAudio itself. This simply requires starting a second PipeWire daemon, with a specific pulse configuration. Each PulseAudio sink/source will appear in the graph, as if native. PulseAudio is the main API used by Linux desktop users and this feature allows PipeWire to be used as a daily-driver while supporting all standard applications. An anecdote: relying on the PulseAudio API is still recommended for simple audio applications, for its more widespread and simpler API.
    • It also implements the JACK Audio Connection Kit (or JACK); this API has been in use by the pro-audio audience and targets low-latency for audio and MIDI connections between applications. This requires calling JACK-based applications using pw-jack COMMAND, which does the following according to its manual page:

pw-jack modifies the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so that applications will load PipeWire’s reimplementation of the JACK client libraries instead of JACK’s own libraries. This results in JACK clients being redirected to PipeWire.

Schema illustrating the way PulseAudio and JACK applications are supported

About compatibility with Linux audio standards, the PipeWire FAQ has an interesting answer to the expected question whenever something new appears: why another audio standard, Linux already has 13 of them? For exhaustiveness, here is a quick rundown of the answer: it describes how Linux has one kernel audio subsystem (ALSA) and only two userspace audio servers: PulseAudio and JACK. Others are either frameworks relying on various audio backends, dead projects or wrappers around audio backends. PipeWire’s goal, on the audio side, is to provide an alternative to both PulseAudio and JACK.

Real-time execution: push or pull?

In the simple case of a producer and a consumer of data, two execution models are in theory possible:

  • Push, where the producer generates data when it can into a shared buffer, from which the consumer reads. This is often associated with blocking writes to signal the producer when the buffer is full.
  • Pull, where the producer gets signaled when data is needed for the consumer, at which point the producer should generate data as fast as possible into the given shared buffer.

In a real-time case scenario, latency is optimal when the data quantity in the shared buffer is minimised: when the producer adds data to the buffer, all the data already present in the buffer needs to be consumed before the new data gets processed as well. As such, the pull method allows the system to monitor the shared buffer state and signal the producer before the shared buffer gets empty; this guarantees data that is as up-to-date as possible as it was generated as late as possible.

That was for a generic overview of pushed versus pulled communication models. PipeWire adopts the pull model as it has low latencies as a goal. Some notes:

  • The structure is more complex compared to a single producer and single consumer architecture, as there can be many more producers and consumers, possibly with nodes depending on multiple other nodes.
  • The PipeWire daemon handles the signaling of nodes. Those get woken up, fill a shared memory buffer and pass it onto its target nodes; those are the nodes that take its output as an input (as described by link objects).
  • The concept of driver nodes is introduced; other nodes are called followers. For each component (subgraph of the whole PipeWire graph), one node is the driver and is responsible for timing information. It is the one that signals PipeWire when a new execution cycle is required. For the simple case of an audio source node (the producer) and an ALSA sink node (the consumer), the ALSA sink will send data to the hardware according to a timer, signaling PipeWire to start a new cycle when it has no more data to send: it pulls data from the graph by telling it that it needs more.

Note: in this simple example, the buffer size provided to ALSA by PipeWire determines the time we have to generate new data. If we fail to execute the entire graph in time before the timer, the ALSA sink node will have no data and this will lead to an underrun.

Implementation overview

This introduction and the big design decisions naturally lead us to have a look at the actual implementation concepts. Here are the questions we will try to answer:

  • How is the graph state represented?
  • How can a client process get access to the graph state and make changes?
  • How is IPC communication handled?

Graph state representation: objects, objects everywhere

As said previously, PipeWire’s goal is to maintain, execute and expose a graph-structured multimedia execution engine. The graph state is maintained by the PipeWire daemon, which runs the core object. A fundamental principle is the concept of an object. Clients communicate with the core using IPC, and can create objects of various types, which can then be exported. Exporting an object means telling the core and its registry about it, so that the object becomes a part of the graph state.

Every object have at least the following: a unique integer identifier, some permissions flags for various operations, an object type, string key-value pairs of properties, methods and event types.

Object types

There is a fixed type list, so let’s go through the main existing types to understand the overall structure better:

  • The core is the heart of the PipeWire daemon. There can only be one core per graph instance and it has the identifier zero. It maintains the registry, which has the list of exported objects.
  • A client object is the representation of an open connection with a client process, from within the daemon process.
  • A module is a shared object that is used to add functionality to a PipeWire client. It has an initialisation function that gets called when the module gets loaded. Modules can be loaded in the core process or in any client process. Clients do not export to the registry the modules they load. We’ll see examples of modules and how to load them later on.
  • A node is a producer and/or consumer of data; its main characteristic is to have input and output port objects, which can be connected using link objects to create the graph structure.
  • A port belongs to a node and represents an input or output of data. As such, it has a direction, a data format and can have a channel position if it is audio data that is being transferred.
  • A link object connects two ports of opposite direction together; it describes a graph edge.
  • A device is a handle representing an underlying API, which is then used to create nodes or other devices. Examples of devices are ALSA PCM cards or V4L2 devices. A device has a profile, which allows one to configure them.
  • A factory is an object whose sole capability is to create other objects. Once a factory is created, it can only emit the type of object it declared. Those are most often delivered as a module: the module creates the factory and stays alive to keep it accessible for clients.
  • A session object is supposed to represent the session manager, and allow it to expose APIs through the PipeWire communication methods. It is not currently used by WirePlumber but this is planned.
  • An endpoint is the concept of a (possibly empty) grouping of nodes. Associated with endpoint streams and links, they can represent a higher-level graph that is handled by the session manager. Those would allow modeling complex behaviors such as mutually-exclusive sinks (think laptop speakers and line-out port) or nodes to which PipeWire cannot send audio streams, such as analog peripherals for which the streams do not go through the CPU. Those peripherals would therefore appear in the graph, be controlled with the same API (routing using links, setting volume, muting, etc.) but the processing would be done outside PipeWire’s reach. See PipeWire’s documentation for more information on the potential of those advanced features.


The session and policy manager (most often WirePlumber) is also responsible for defining the list of permissions each client has. Each permission entry is an object ID and four flags. A special PW_ID_ANY ID means that those permissions are the default, to be used if a specific object is not described by any other permission. Here are the four flags:

  • Read: the object can be seen and events can be received;
  • Write: the object can be modified, usually through methods (which requires the execute flag);
  • eXecute: methods can be called;
  • Metadata: metadata can be set on the object.

This isn’t well leveraged upon yet, as all clients get default permissions of rwxm: read, write, execute, metadata.


All objects also have properties attributed to them, which is a list of string key-value pairs. Those are abitrary and various keys are expected for various object types. An example link object has the following properties (as reported by pw-cli info LINK_ID):

# Link ID = "95"

# Source port
link.output.node = "91"
link.output.port = "93"

# Destination port
link.input.node = "80"
link.input.port = "86"

# Client that created the link = "32"

# Factory that was called to create the link = "20"

# Serial identifier: an incremental identifier that guarantees no
# duplicate across a single instance. That exists because standard
# IDs get reused to keep them user-friendly.
object.serial = "677"


Some object types also have parameters (often abbreviated as params), which is a fixed-length list of parameters that the object possesses, specific to the object type. Currently, nodes, ports, devices, sessions, endpoints and endpoint streams have those. Those params have flags that define if they can be read and/or written, allowing things like constant parameters defined at the object creation.

Parameters are the key that allow WirePlumber to negotiate data formats and port configuration with nodes: hardware that supports multiple sample rates? channel count and positions? sample format? enable monitor ports? etc. Nodes expose enumerations of what they are capable of, and the session manager writes the format/configuration it chose.

Methods & events

An object’s implementation is defined by its list of methods. Each object type has a list of methods that it needs to implement. One note-worthy method is process, that can be found on nodes. It is the one that eats up data from input ports and provides data for each output port.

Every object implement at least the add_listener method, that allows any client to register event listeners. Events are used through the PipeWire API to expose information about an object that might change over time (the state of a node for example).

Exposing the graph to clients: libpipewire and its configuration

Once an object is created in a process, it can be exported to the core’s registry so that it becomes a part of the graph. Once exported, an object is exposed and can be accessed by other clients; this leads us into this new section: how clients can get access and interact with the graph.

The easiest way to interact with a PipeWire instance is to rely upon the libpipewire shared object library. It is a C library that allows one to connect to the core. The connection steps are as follows:

  1. Initialise the library using pw_init, whose main goal is to setup logging.
  2. Create an event-loop instance, of which PipeWire provides multiple implementations. The library will later plug into this event-loop to register event listeners when requested.
  3. Create a PipeWire context instance using pw_context_new. The context will handle the communication process with PipeWire, adding what it needs to the event-loop. It will also find and parse a configuration file from the filesystem.
  4. Connect the context to the core daemon using pw_context_connect. This does two things: it initialises the communication method and it returns a proxy to the core object.


A proxy is an important concept. It gives the client a handle to interact with a PipeWire object which is located elsewhere but which has been registered in the core’s registry. This allows one to get information about this specific object, modify it and register event listeners.

Event listeners are therefore callbacks that clients can register on proxy objects using pw_*_add_listener, which takes a struct pw_*_events defining a list of function pointers; the star should be replaced by the object type. The libpipewire library will tell the remote object about this new listener, so that it notifies the client when a new event occurs.

We’ll take an example to describe the concept of proxies:

Schema of a daemon and two clients, with one client having a proxy pointing to the remote node

In this schema, green blocks are objects (the core, clients and a node) and grey ones are proxies. Dotted blocks represent processes. Here is what would happen, in order, assuming client process 2 wants to get the the state of a node that lives in client process 1:

  1. Client process 2 creates a connection with the core, that means:
    • On the daemon side, a client object is created and exported to the registry;
    • On the client side, a proxy to the core object is acquired, which represents the connection with the core.
  2. It then uses the proxy to core and the pw_core_get_registry function to get a handle on the registry.
  3. It registers an event listener on the registry’s global event, by passing a struct pw_registry_events to pw_registry_add_listener. That event listener will get called once for each object exported to the registry.
  4. The global event handler will therefore get called once with the node as argument. When this happens, a proxy to the node can be obtained using pw_registry_bind and the info event can be listened upon using pw_node_add_listener on the node proxy with a struct pw_client_events containing the list of function pointers used as event handlers.
  5. The info event handler will therefore be called once with a struct pw_node_info argument, that contains the node’s state. It will then be called each time the state changes.

The same thing is done in tutorial6.c to print every clients’ information.

Context configuration

When a PipeWire context is created using pw_context_new, we mentioned that it finds and parses a configuration file from the filesystem. To find a configuration file, PipeWire requires its name. It then searches for this file in following locations, $sysconfdir and $datadir being PipeWire build variables:

  1. Firstly, it checks in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pipewire/ (most probably ~/.config/pipewire/);
  2. Then, it looks in $sysconfdir/pipewire/ (most probably /etc/pipewire/);
  3. As a last resort, it tries $datadir/pipewire/ (most probably /usr/share/pipewire/).

PipeWire ships with default configuration files, which are often put in the $datadir/pipewire/ path by distributions, meaning those get used as long as they have not been overriden by custom global configuration files (in $sysconfdir/pipewire/) or personal configuration files (in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pipewire/). Those are namely:

  • pipewire.conf, the daemon’s configuration file;
  • pipewire-pulse.conf, for the daemon process that implements the PulseAudio API;
  • client.conf, for processes that want to communicate using the PipeWire API;
  • client-rt.conf, for processes that want to implement node processing, RT meaning realtime;
  • jack.conf, used by the PipeWire implementation of the JACK shared object library;
  • minimal.conf, meant as an example for those that want to run PipeWire without a session manager (static configuration of an ALSA device, nodes and links).

The default configuration name used by a context is client.conf. This can be overriden either through the PIPEWIRE_CONFIG_NAME environment variable or through the PW_KEY_CONFIG_NAME property, given as an argument to pw_context_new. The search path can also be modified using the PIPEWIRE_CONFIG_PREFIX environment variable.

Make sure to go through one of them to get familiar with them! The format is described as a “relaxed JSON variant”, where strings do not need to be quoted, the key-value separator is an equal symbol, commas are unnecessary and comments are allowed starting with an hash mark. Here are the sections that can be found in a configuration file:

  •, that configures the context (log level, memory locking, D-Bus support, etc.). It is also used extensively by pipewire.conf (the daemon’s configuration) to configure the graph default and allowed settings.
  • defines the shared object library that should be used when a SPA factory is asked for. The default values are best to be kept alone.
  • context.modules lists the PipeWire modules that should be loaded. Each entry has an associated comment that explains clearly what each modules does. As an example, the difference between client.conf and client-rt.conf is the loading of libpipewire-module-rt that turns on real-time priorities for the process and its threads.
  • context.objects allows one to statically create objects by providing a factory name associated with arguments. This is what is used by the daemon’s pipewire.conf to create the dummy node, or by minimal.conf to statically create an ALSA device and node as well as a static node.
  • context.exec lists programs that will be executed as childs of the process (using fork(2) followed by execvp(3)). This was primarily used to start the session manager; it is however recommended to handle its boot separately, using your init system of choice.
  • and are used in client.conf and client-rt.conf to configure node implementations. Filters and streams are the two abstractions that can be used to implement custom nodes, which we will talk in detail in a later article.

Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

Being a project that handles multimedia data, transfers it in-between processes and aims for low-latency, the inter-process communication it uses is at the heart of its implementation.

Event loop

The event-loop described previously is the scheduling mechanism for every PipeWire process (the daemon and every PipeWire client process, including WirePlumber, pipewire-pulse and others). This loop is an abstraction layer over the epoll(7) facility. The concept is rather simple: it allows one to monitor multiple file descriptors with a single blocking call, that will return once one file descriptor is available for an operation.

The main entry point to this event loop is pw_loop_add_source or its wrapper pw_loop_add_io, which adds a new file descriptor to be listened for and a callback to take action once an operation is possible. In addition to the loop instance, the file descriptor and the callback, it takes the following arguments:

  • A mask describing the operations for which we should be waken up: read(2) is possible (SPA_IO_IN), write(2) is possible (SPA_IO_OUT), an error occured (SPA_IO_ERR) and a hang-up occured (SPA_IO_HUP);
  • A boolean describing whether the file descriptor should be closed automatically at the end of not;
  • A void pointer given to the callback; this is often called user data which means we can avoid static global variables.

Note: this event loop implementation is not reserved to PipeWire-related processing; it can be used as a main event loop in your processes.

That leads us to the other synchronisation and communication primitives used, which are all file-descriptor-based for integration with the event loop.

File-descriptor-based IPC

eventfd(2) is used as the main wake-up method when that is required, such as with node objects that must run their process method. signalfd(2) is used to register signal callbacks in the event-loop.

epoll(7), eventfd(2) and signalfd(2) being Linux-specific, it should be noted that there is an abstraction layer that allows one to use other primitives for implementations. Currently, Xenomai primitives are supported through this layer.

The main communication protocol is based upon a local streaming socket(2): socket(PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0). The encoding scheme used is called Plain Object Data (POD) and is a rather simple format; a POD has a 32-bits size, a 32-bits type followed by the content. There are basic types (none, bool, int, string, bytes, etc.) and container types (array, struct, object and sequence). In top of this encoding scheme is provided the Simple Plugin API (SPA) which implements a sort of Remote Procedure Call (RPC). See this PipeWire under the hood blog article that has a detailed section on POD, SPA and example usage of the provided APIs.


PipeWire and WirePlumber also optionally depend on the higher-level D-Bus communication protocol for specific features:

  • Flatpaks are desktop sandboxed applications, that rely on portal (a process that exposes D-Bus interfaces) to access system-wide features such as printing and audio. In our case, libpipewire-module-portal allows the portal process to handle permission management relative to audio for Flatpak applications. See module-portal.c and xdg-desktop-portal for more information.
  • WirePlumber, through its module-reserve-device, supports the org.freedesktop.ReserveDevice1 D-Bus interface. It allows one to reserve an audio device for exclusive use. See the quick and to-the-point specification about the interface for more information.
  • D-Bus support is required if Bluetooth is wanted, to allow communication with the BlueZ process. See the SPA bluez5 plugin.


Now that the overall concepts as well as design and implementation choices have been covered, it is time for some hands-on! We will carry on with a bare install based upon a Linux kernel and a Buildroot-built root filesystem image. Our goal will be to output sound to an USB ALSA PCM sink, from an audio file.

Do not hesitate to come back to this article later on, that might help you clear-up some blurry concepts if needed!

Using the U-Boot Extension Board Manager – BeagleBone Boards Example

This article follows two earlier blog posts about Device Tree overlays:


As explained in the first two blog posts, the BeagleBone boards are supported by a wide number of extension boards, called capes.

When such a cape is plugged in, the description of the devices connected to the board should be updated accordingly. As the available hardware is described by a Device Tree, the added devices on the cape should be described using a Device Tree Overlay, as described in the first blog post.

As explained in this post too, the bootloader is today’s standard place for loading Device Tree Overlays on top of the board’s Device Tree. Once you know which capes are plugged in, you can load them in U-Boot and boot Linux as in the following example:

load mmc 0:1 0x81000000 zImage
load mmc 0:1 0x82000000 am335x-boneblack.dtb
fdt addr 0x82000000
fdt resize 8192
load mmc 0:1 0x83000000 overlays/BBORG_RELAY-00A2.dtbo
fdt apply 0x83000000
bootz 0x81000000 - 0x82000000

This mechanism works fine, but every time you plug in a different cape, you have to tweak this sequence of commands to load the right overlay (the .dtbo file). This would be great if each cape could be detected automatically and so could be the corresponding overlays.

Actually, all this is possible and already supported in mainline U-Boot starting from version 2021.07. That’s what this article is about.

BeagleBone Black with multiple capes - Relay Cape on top.
BeagleBone Black with multiple capes – We want to detect them automatically!

Accessing cape information

Each cape has to contain an I2C EEPROM describing itself, according to the Cape EEPROM Contents specification.

To identify which capes are plugged in, all you have to do is read the connected EEPROMs. You can test by yourself by booting a BeagleBone with a Debian image, and dumping the EEPROM contents as in the following example:

hexdump -C /sys/bus/i2c/devices/2-0054/eeprom 
00000000  aa 55 33 ee 41 31 52 65  6c 61 79 20 43 61 70 65  |.U3.A1Relay Cape|
00000010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000020  00 00 00 00 00 00 30 30  41 32 42 65 61 67 6c 65  |......00A2Beagle|
00000030  42 6f 61 72 64 2e 6f 72  67 00 42 42 4f 52 47 5f  ||
00000040  52 45 4c 41 59 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 47 48 49 31  |RELAY.......GHI1|
00000050  38 32 37 30 34 37 32 00  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  |8270472.........|
00000060  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  |................|

Of course, the above kind of command only works if the corresponding Device Tree Overlays are loaded. Otherwise, the Linux kernel won’t know that the I2C EEPROMs are available.

The U-Boot extension manager

In the latest Debian images proposed by at the time of this writing, there is already a mechanism to detect the plugged capes based on the information on their I2C EEPROM. However, that was a custom mechanism, and contracted Bootlin to implement a more generic mechanism in the official version of U-Boot.

This generic mechanism was implemented by my colleague Köry Maincent and added to U-Boot (since version 2021.07) by this commit.

Let’s test this mechanism by building and booting our own image. The following instructions apply to the BeagleBone Black board.

SD card preparation

Using cfdisk or a similar tool, prepare a micro-SD card with at least one partition which you mark as “Bootable”. Then format it with the FAT32 filesystem:

sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n boot /dev/mmcblk0p1

Now, remove and plug the micro-SD card back in again. It should automatically be mounted on /media/$USER/boot.

Compiling U-Boot

We first need to install a cross-compiling toolchain if you don’t have one yet. Here’s how to do this on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-

Now, let’s use the latest version of U-Boot at the time of this writing.

git clone git://
cd u-boot
git checkout v2022.04
make am335x_evm_defconfig
make menuconfig

In the configuration interface, add the new extension command by setting CONFIG_CMD_EXTENSION=y. You can then compile U-Boot:

cp MLO u-boot.img /media/mike/boot

Compiling Linux and Device Tree Overlays

Now, let’s compile the latest 5.10 Linux kernel supported by

First, download the root filesystem (generated by Buildroot, with this configuration file) which we will include in the Linux kernel as an initramfs.

Then, let’s get the kernel sources and configure them:

git clone
cd linux
git checkout 5.10.100-ti-r40
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
export ARCH=arm
make omap2plus_defconfig
make menuconfig

In the configuration interface, enable compiling the Device Tree Overlays with CONFIG_OF_OVERLAY=y. Also set CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE="../rootfs.cpio". You can now compile the kernel and the Device Trees, and deploy them to the micro-SD card:

cp arch/arm/boot/zImage /media/$USER/boot/
cp arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack.dtb /media/$USER/boot/
mkdir /media/$USER/boot/overlays
cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtbo /media/$USER/boot/overlays/
sudo umount /media/$USER/boot

Configuring U-Boot and using the “extension” command

Now insert the micro-SD card in the BeagleBone Black. Connect the capes that you own. Then power on the board while holding the USR button (close to the USB host port).

On the serial line, you should see U-Boot 2022.04 starting. Interrupt the countdown by pressing any key, to access the U-Boot prompt:

U-Boot SPL 2022.04 (Apr 06 2022 - 15:04:53 +0200)
Trying to boot from MMC1

U-Boot 2022.04 (Apr 06 2022 - 15:04:53 +0200)

CPU  : AM335X-GP rev 2.1
Model: TI AM335x BeagleBone Black
DRAM:  512 MiB
Core:  150 devices, 14 uclasses, devicetree: separate
WDT:   Started wdt@44e35000 with servicing (60s timeout)
NAND:  0 MiB
Loading Environment from FAT... Unable to read "uboot.env" from mmc0:1... 
 not set. Validating first E-fuse MAC
Net:   eth2: ethernet@4a100000, eth3: usb_ether
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 

Let’s try the extension manager now. First, we load the kernel image and Device Tree Binary (DTB) for the board:

=> fatload mmc 0:1 0x81000000 zImage
6219488 bytes read in 408 ms (14.5 MiB/s)
=> fatload mmc 0:1 0x82000000 am335x-boneblack.dtb
64939 bytes read in 10 ms (6.2 MiB/s)

Then, we set the RAM address where each Device Tree Overlay will be loaded:

=> setenv extension_overlay_addr 0x88080000

And define the command to load the overlays:

setenv extension_overlay_cmd 'echo loading ${extension_overlay_name}; fatload mmc 0:1 ${extension_overlay_addr} overlays/${extension_overlay_name}'

Then, let U-Boot know where the DTB was loaded:

fdt addr 0x82000000

You can then scan for extension boards:

=> extension scan
BeagleBone Cape: Relay Cape (0x54)
BeagleBone Cape: BB-CAPE-DISP-CT43 (0x55)
BeagleBone Cape: Industrial Comms Cape (0x56)
Found 3 extension board(s).

Optionally, you can get a full listing after extension scan:

=> extension list
Extension 0: Relay Cape
	Version: 		00A2
	Devicetree overlay: 	BBORG_RELAY-00A2.dtbo
	Other information: 	
Extension 1: BB-CAPE-DISP-CT43
	Manufacturer: 		Embest
	Version: 		00A0
	Devicetree overlay: 	BB-CAPE-DISP-CT4-00A0.dtbo
	Other information: 	
Extension 2: Industrial Comms Cape
	Version: 		00A2
	Devicetree overlay: 	BBORG_COMMS-00A2.dtbo
	Other information: 	

Taking the relay cape as an example, you can see that the name of the Device Tree overlay was derived from the description in its EEPROM, which we dumped earlier.

Now, everything’s ready to load the overlay for the first cape (number 0):

=> extension apply 0                                                                                                                                  
loading BBORG_RELAY-00A2.dtbo
1716 bytes read in 5 ms (335 KiB/s)

Or for all capes:

=> extension apply all
loading BBORG_RELAY-00A2.dtbo
1716 bytes read in 5 ms (335 KiB/s)
loading BB-CAPE-DISP-CT4-00A0.dtbo
5372 bytes read in 5 ms (1 MiB/s)
loading BBORG_COMMS-00A2.dtbo
1492 bytes read in 4 ms (364.3 KiB/s)

We are now ready to set a generic command that will automatically load all the overlays for the supported capes, whatever they are, and then boot the Linux kernel:

setenv bootargs console==ttyS0,115200n8
setenv bootcmd 'fatload mmc 0:1 0x81000000 zImage; fatload mmc 0:1 0x82000000 am335x-boneblack.dtb; fdt addr 0x82000000; extension scan; extension apply all; bootz 0x81000000 - 0x82000000'

Reboot your board and you should see:

6228224 bytes read in 526 ms (11.3 MiB/s)
93357 bytes read in 10 ms (8.9 MiB/s)
BeagleBone Cape: Relay Cape (0x54)
BeagleBone Cape: BB-CAPE-DISP-CT43 (0x55)
BeagleBone Cape: Industrial Comms Cape (0x56)
Found 3 extension board(s).
loading BBORG_RELAY-00A2.dtbo
1716 bytes read in 5 ms (335 KiB/s)
loading BB-CAPE-DISP-CT4-00A0.dtbo
5372 bytes read in 5 ms (1 MiB/s)
loading BBORG_COMMS-00A2.dtbo
1492 bytes read in 4 ms (364.3 KiB/s)
Kernel image @ 0x81000000 [ 0x000000 - 0x5f0900 ]
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 82000000
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x82000000
   Loading Device Tree to 8ffe4000, end 8fffffff ... OK

Starting kernel ...

[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
[    0.000000] Linux version 5.10.100 (mike@mike-laptop) (arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.34) #8 SMP Wed Apr 6 16:25:24 CEST 2022

To double check that the overlays were taken into account, you can log in a the root user (no password) and type this command:

# ls  /proc/device-tree/chosen/overlays/
BB-CAPE-DISP-CT4-00A0.kernel  BBORG_RELAY-00A2.kernel
BBORG_COMMS-00A2.kernel       name

Note: all the files used here, including the resulting U-Boot environment file, are available in this archive. All you have to do is extract the archive in a FAT partition with the bootable flag, and then you’ll be ready to boot your board with it, without any manipulation to perform in U-Boot.

How to add support for a new board

To prove that the new extension board manager in U-Boot was generic, Köry Maincent used it to support three different types of boards:

  • BeagleBone boards based on the AM3358 SoC from TI
  • The BeagleBone AI board, based on the AM5729 SoC from TI
  • The CHIP computer, based on the Allwinner R8 CPU, and its DIP extension boards.

To support a new board and its extension boards, the main thing to implement is the extension_board_scan() function for your board.

A good example to check is this commit from Köry which introduced cape detection capabilities for the TI CPUs and this second commit that enabled the mechanism on AM57xx (BeagleBone AI). A good ideas is also to check the latest version of board/ti/common/cape_detect.c in U-Boot’s sources.


The U-Boot Extension Board Manager is a feature in U-Boot which allows to automatically detect extension boards, provided the hardware makes such a detection possible, and automatically load and apply the corresponding Device Tree overlays. It was contributed by Köry Maincent from Bootlin, thanks to funding from

At the time of this writing, this functionality is supported on the BeagleBone boards (AM335x and AM57xx), on the CHIP computer (Allwinner R8), and since more recently, on Compulab’s IOT-GATE-iMX8 gateways.

With the combination of this blog post and the former two (see the links at the beginning), it should be clear how a specification can be written to use a combination of Device Tree symbols, Udev rules and extension board identifiers to make expansion header hardware “just work” when plugged in to various boards with compatible headers. would be proud if our example inspired other community board maintainers.


Bootlin would like to thank for funding the development and deployment of this infrastructure in mainline U-Boot, and the creation of these three blog posts on Device Tree overlays.

Linux 5.18 released, Bootlin contributions inside

Linux 5.18 has been released a bit over a week ago. As usual, we recommend the resources provided by (part 1 and part 2) and to get an overall view of the major features and improvements of this Linux kernel release.

Bootlin engineers have collectively contributed 80 patches to this Linux kernel release, making us the 28th contributing company according to these statistics.

  • Alexandre Belloni, as the RTC subsystem maintainer, continued to improve the overall subsystem, and migrate drivers to new features and mechanisms introduced in the core RTC subsystem
  • Clément Léger contributed a new RTC driver that allows to use the RTC exposed by the OP-TEE Trusted Execution Environment, as well as a few other fixes
  • Hervé Codina and Luca Ceresoli contributed some fixes: Hervé to the dw-edma dmaengine driver, and Luca to the Rockchip RK3308 pinctrl driver
  • Miquèl Raynal, as the MTD subsystem co-maintainer, contributed the remainder of his work to generalize the support of ECC handling, and allow both parallel and SPI NAND to use either software ECC, on-die ECC, or ECC done by a dedicated controller. Included in this work is a new driver for the Macronix external ECC engine, in drivers/mtd/nand/ecc-mxic.c
  • Miquèl Raynal also made a few contributions to the 802.15.4 part of the networking stack, and we have more contributions in this area coming up.
  • Paul Kocialkowski contributed a small fix to Allwinner Device Tree files, and another attempt at fixing an issue with the display panel detection/probing in the DRM subsystem

Bootlin at Live Embedded Event, 3rd edition

Live Embedded EventTomorrow, on May 18, the third edition of Live Embedded Event will take place. Live Embedded Event is a free and fully online conference, dedicated to embedded topics at large. One can register directly online to receive a link to attend the conference.

Bootlin will be participating to this third edition, with 3 talks from 3 different Bootlin engineers:

  • Michael Opdenacker on LLVM tools for the Linux kernel, at 12:00 UTC+2 in Track 3. Details: Recent versions of Linux can be compiled with LLVM’s Clang C language compiler, in addition to Gcc, at least on today’s most popular CPU architectures. This presentation will show you how. Cross-compiling works differently with Clang: no architecture-specific cross-compiling toolchain is required. We will compare the Clang and Gcc compiled kernels, in terms of size and boot time. More generally, we will discuss the concrete benefits brought by being able to compile the kernel with this alternative compiler, in particular the LLVM specific kernel Makefile targets: clang-tidy and clang-analyzer.
  • Grégory Clement on AMP on Cortex A9 with Linux and OpenAMP, at 15:30 UTC+2 in Track 2. Details: While, usually, the Cortex A9 cores are used in SMP, one could want use one of the core to run an other OS. In this case the system becomes AMP. Typically, it allows running a dedicated real time OS on a core. This presentation will show the step that allow having this support using open sources stacks. First we will see what OpenAMP is, then how the Linux kernel can communicate with external OS using remote proc message, and finally what to adapt in the Linux kernel and OpenAMP in order to support the usage of a Cortex A9. This was experimented on an i.MX6 but the solution presented has the advantage to be easily adapted on any SoC using Cortex A9.
  • Thomas Perrot on PKCS#11 with OP-TEE at 15:00 UTC+2 in Track 2. Details:
    PKCS#11 is a standard API that allows to manage cryptographic tokens, regardless of the platform such as Hardware Security Modules, Trusted Plaform Modules or smart cards. Moreover, modern processors offer a secure area, named Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) that allows the isolation of some operations, datas and devices to guarantee their integrity and confidentiality. OP-TEE is an open source implementation of Trusted Execution Environment that runs in parallel with the operating system, as a companion. In this talk, we will first introduce PKCS#11, then OP-TEE, and finally look at how PKCS#11 operations can be performed through OP-TEE, and what are the benefits. Our presentation will be illustrated with examples based on the NXP i.MX8QXP platform, but should be applicable to other platforms that have OP-TEE support.

Join us at Live Embedded Event, and discover our talks as well as the many other talks from other speakers!

Bootlin at Embedded Recipes and Kernel Recipes 2022, Paris

After 2 editions cancelled due to the pandemic, the famous Embedded Recipes and Kernel Recipes conferences are back: they will take place end of May and beginning of June in Paris!

Bootlin will be present at this event, with several engineers from the team participating:

We look forward to meeting you at this event! If you want to discuss business or career opportunities with Bootlin, do not hesitate to meet Paul, Michael, Kamel or Grégory during Embedded and/or Kernel Recipes!

Bootlin at the Embedded Linux Conference North America 2022

Bootlin CEO Thomas Petazzoni and COO Alexandre Belloni will both be attending the next Embedded Linux Conference North America, on June 21-24 in Austin, Texas.

In addition, both Thomas and Alexandre will be speaking at the event:

  • Thomas Petazzoni will give a talk Buildroot: what’s new?, providing an update on the improvements and new features in the Buildroot build system that have been integrated over the past two years
  • Alexandre Belloni will give a talk Yocto Project Autobuilders and the SWAT Team, during which he will explain what’s happening behind in the scenes in the Yocto Project to review and validate contributions before they are integrated.

Thomas and Alexandre will also naturally be available during the event to discuss business or career opportunities, so do not hesitate to get in touch if you’re interested.

Finally, prior to the event, Thomas Petazzoni will be in the Bay Area on June 13-15, also available for meetings or discussions.

Bootlin contributions to OP-TEE 3.17

OP-TEE logoAs we mentioned in our last blog post about OP-TEE 3.16, Bootlin planned to and contributed some interesting features in the recently released OP-TEE 3.17 ! Here is a short presentation of our contributions to this release:


During this release cycle, Bootlin contributed the following features:

  • Watchdog support
    • Generic watchdog API
    • OP-TEE Watchdog service compatible with arm,smc-wdt Linux driver
    • Microchip SAMA5D2 watchdog driver
  • RTC support
    • Generic RTC API
    • OP-TEE RTC PTA to expose RTC to Linux
    • Microchip SAMA5D2 RTC driver
    • Linux driver for OP-TEE RTC
  • Microchip SAMA5D2 suspend support
    • Support for ULP0, ULP1, ULP0 Fast and backup modes of the SAMA5D2 processor
    • PSCI support
    • Fix Cortex-A5 suspend support in OP-TEE
  • Microchip SAMA5D2 interrupt controller support

As part of our work on Microchip SAMA5D2 support in OP-TEE, we wanted to have support for the SAMA5D2 watchdog. Doing so without exposing the watchdog to Linux would have been useless and thus, we implemented and contributed a new generic watchdog API to OP-TEE. This interface allows registering a watchdog against the system and exposing it to Linux through a specific SMC handler that interfaces with the Linux arm,smc-wdt compatible driver (see drivers/watchdog/arm_smc_wdt.c in the Linux kernel code). Our generic watchdog API is obviously used by the new watchdog driver for Microchip SAMA5D2, but was also quickly leveraged by ST who contributed a new watchdog driver for stm32mp1 based on this new watchdog API.


On Microchip SAMA5D2, the RTC is part of the system controller which needs to be secured since it contains critical features. Once in the secure world, the RTC is not available to the normal world. In order to expose this RTC device to the normal world (and particularly for Linux RTC subsystem), a new Pseudo Trusted Application (PTA) was added. This PTA communicates with a Linux OP-TEE compatible RTC driver and allows to get/set the date and time. This driver is generic and will allow any vendor which adds RTC support to OP-TEE to expose it transparently to Linux.

Contribution details

A total of 29 commits were contributed for OP-TEE 3.17:

Next steps

Bootlin still have some features planned to be contributed to OP-TEE:

  • Pinctrl support
    • Microchip SAMA5D2 PIO driver
    • Pinmuxing API for providers and consumers
    • Device-tree pinmux parsing
  • SCMI clock support based on the clk framework

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need help and support to integrate or deploy OP-TEE on your platform, either Microchip platforms, but also other ARM32 or ARM64 platforms.

Device Tree: Supporting Similar Boards – The BeagleBone Example

This article is also available on the blog.

Most of the BeagleBone boards from share the same form factor, have the same headers and therefore can accept the same extension boards, also known as capes in the BeagleBoard world.

Of course, a careful PCB design was necessary to make this possible.

This must have been relatively easy with the early models (BeagleBone Black, Black Wireless, Green, Green Wireless, Black Industrial and Enhanced) which are based on the same Sitara AM3358 System on Chip (SoC) from Texas Instruments. However, the more recent creation of the BeagleBone AI board and keeping compatibility with existing capes must have been a little more complicated, as this board is based on a completely different SoC from Texas Instruments, the Sitara AM5729.

BeagleBone AI board
BeagleBone AI

BeagleBone Green board
BeagleBone Green

BeagleBone Black board
BeagleBone Black

Once the PCB design challenge was completed, the crew set itself another challenge: implement software that supports each BeagleBone cape in the same way, whatever the board, in particular:

  • To have unique identifiers for devices in Linux, so that there is a stable name for Linux devices, even if at the hardware level they are connected differently, depending on whether the base board has a Sitara AM3358 and Sitara AM5729 SoC.
  • To have DT overlays for capes that are applicable to all base boards, even if peripherals are connected to different buses of the SoCs.

This article will explore the software solutions implemented by Their ideas can of course be reused by other projects with similar needs.

The need for a cape standard

A good summary can be found on Deepak Khatri’s Google Summer of Code 2020 page:

The idea of this project was to make the same user space examples work with both BeagleBone Black and BeagleBone AI, using the same references to drivers for peripherals assigned to the same pins between BeagleBone Black and BeagleBone AI. Also, Same DT overlays should work (whenever possible) for both BBB and BBAI, with updated U-Boot cape manager DT overlays will be automatically loaded during boot.

Software setup

The below instructions are for people owning the BeagleBone AI board and any other BeagleBone board, and interested in exploring the devices on their boards by themselves.

First, get the latest console images from

Uncompress each image, insert a micro-SD card in the card read in your PC, and then flash the corresponding card. Here are example commands, assuming that the micro-SD card is represented by the /dev/mmcblk0 device:

unxz bone-debian-10.3-console-armhf-2020-04-06-1gb.img.xz
sudo dd if=bone-debian-10.3-console-armhf-2020-04-06-1gb.img.xz of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress

Connect the serial line of each board to your computer and then boot each board with it:

  • For BeagleBone AI: its sufficient to have the micro-SD card inserted.
  • On other BeagleBone boards, you may need to hold a button when you power up the board, to make it boot from the micro-SD card instead of from the internal eMMC. On the BeagleBone Black boards, for examples, that’s the USER button next to the USB host port. Note that you won’t need to do this again when you reset the board. The board will continue to boot from the external micro-SD card until it’s powered off.

You can connect with the default user, or connect as user root with password root.

Then, connect each board to the Internet, and get the latest package updates:

sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade

It’s then time to upgrade the kernel to the latest version supported by BeagleBoard. To do so, you’ll have to manually update the /opt/scripts/tools/ file. In this file, go to the # parse commandline options section and add the below lines:


You can can then upgrade to the latest 5.10 kernel:

sudo /opt/scripts/tools/ --ti-channel --lts-5_10

Reboot your board and with the uname -r command, check that you are now running Linux 5.10.

Unifying hardware on AM5729 and AM3358

Let’s start by comparing I2C buses.

Available I2C buses

The BeagleBone 101 document has the original P9 and P8 headers specification for I2C for the BeagleBone Black:

BeagleBone Black P9 and P8 connectors for I2C
BeagleBone Black P9 and P8 connectors for I2C

This is confirmed by the BeagleBone Black System Reference Manual. Now, let’s check the BeagleBone AI Reference Manual, which confirms that I2C buses are available at the same P9 connector pins:

BeagleBone Black BeagleBone AI SCL SDA
I2C1 I2C5 P9_17 P9_18
I2C2 I2C4 P9_19 P9_20
I2C2 N/A P9_21 P9_22
I2C1 I2C3 P9_24 P9_26

Note that on the BeagleBone Black, I2C1 and I2C2 are available at two different locations.

So, for both types of boards, we have at least I2C buses on P9_17/18, P9_19/20 and P9_24/26. However, that’s complicated because these pins don’t correspond to the same I2C buses. Therefore, users have to know that P9_19/20 correspond to I2C2 on BeagleBone Black and to I2C4 on BeagleBone AI.

The devices in /dev/ reflect such differences.

Here’s what we have on the BeagleBone AI:

root@beaglebone:~# ls -la /dev/i2c-*
crw------- 1 root root 89, 0 Mar 23 15:00 /dev/i2c-0
crw------- 1 root root 89, 3 Mar 23 15:00 /dev/i2c-3

Note that here with the AM5729 SoC, the first I2C bus is I2C1. Hence, /dev/i2c-0 corresponds to I2C1 (which is another I2C bus available on the SoC but not available through the cape headers) and /dev/i2c-3 corresponds to I2C4. Also note that I2C5 is not exposed in the default configuration that we have here, most probably because the corresponding header pins are used for other purposes.

And now let’s look at what we have on the BeagleBone Black:

root@beaglebone:~# ls -la /dev/i2c-*
crw------- 1 root root 89, 0 Mar 23 16:16 /dev/i2c-0
crw------- 1 root root 89, 1 Mar 23 16:17 /dev/i2c-1
crw------- 1 root root 89, 2 Mar 23 16:17 /dev/i2c-2

Here with the AM3358 SoC, /dev/i2c-0 corresponds to I2C0, /dev/ic2-1 to I2C1 and /dev/ic2-2 to I2C2.

So, on a running system, how to know which I2C bus device corresponds to the P9_19/20 header pins?

Unified access to I2C pins

The I2C section of the BeagleBone Cape Interface Specification, attempts to define equivalent /dev/bone/i2c/[i] bus device symbolic links across the supported CPUs, which correspond to the same cape header pins.

Such symbolic links are specified through the Device Tree description of such buses.

First, let’s have a look at the Device Tree for the BeagleBone AI (arch/arm/boot/dts/am5729-beagleboneai.dts):

&i2c4 {
	status = "okay";
	clock-frequency = <100000>;
	symlink = "bone/i2c/2";

Let’s have a look at the corresponding Device Tree for the AM3358 based BeagleBone boards: (arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common-univ.dtsi):

&i2c2 {
	status = "okay";
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <>;

	clock-frequency = <100000>;
	symlink = "bone/i2c/2";

You can see that both devices, though they correspond to different devices, share the same symlink property, which is used to create a symbolic link in /dev/bone/i2c/ to the actual bus device file.

Let’s see such symbolic links on the BeagleBone AI:

root@beaglebone:~# ls -la /dev/bone/i2c/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Jan  1  2000 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 80 Jan  1  2000 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Mar 23 15:00 0 -> ../../i2c-0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Mar 23 15:00 2 -> ../../i2c-3

And on the BeagleBone Black:

root@beaglebone:~# ls -la /dev/bone/i2c/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 100 Mar 23 16:16 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 100 Mar 23 16:16 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  11 Mar 23 16:16 0 -> ../../i2c-0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  11 Mar 23 16:17 1 -> ../../i2c-1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  11 Mar 23 16:17 2 -> ../../i2c-2

You can see that at least /dev/bone/i2c/0 and /dev/bone/i2c/2 are shared between both types of boards. Userspace code examples can then support different boards by referring to such device file links, for example by using the I2C tools commands.

The symbolic links are created from the Device Tree sources not by the Linux kernel, but by the udev device manager, thanks to the following rule found in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-of-symlink.rules in the BeagleBoard Debian distribution:

# allow declaring a symlink for a device in DT

ATTR{device/of_node/symlink}!="", \

        SYMLINK+="%E{OF_SYMLINK}", \
        TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_ALIAS}+="/dev/%E{OF_SYMLINK}"

Accessing other devices

Other devices are available in the same way through symbolic links in /dev/bone/, for example UART (serial port) devices.

Let’s check on the BeagleBone AI (run sudo apt install tree first):

root@beaglebone:~# tree /dev/bone/
├── i2c
│   ├── 0 -> ../../i2c-0
│   └── 2 -> ../../i2c-3
└── uart
    └── 0 -> ../../ttyS0

2 directories, 3 files

On the BeagleBone Black:

root@beaglebone:~# tree /dev/bone/
├── i2c
│   ├── 0 -> ../../i2c-0
│   ├── 1 -> ../../i2c-1
│   └── 2 -> ../../i2c-2
├── spi
│   ├── 0.0 -> ../../spidev0.0
│   ├── 0.1 -> ../../spidev0.1
│   ├── 1.0 -> ../../spidev1.0
│   └── 1.1 -> ../../spidev1.1
└── uart
    ├── 0 -> ../../ttyS0
    ├── 1 -> ../../ttyS1
    ├── 2 -> ../../ttyS2
    ├── 3 -> ../../ttyS3
    ├── 4 -> ../../ttyS4
    └── 5 -> ../../ttyS5

3 directories, 13 files

Accessing header pins

Another challenge is with userspace software examples directly refer to header pins by their names. Here is a BoneScript push button demo, for example:

var b = require('bonescript');
b.pinMode('P8_19', b.INPUT);
b.pinMode('P8_13', b.OUTPUT);

function check(){
b.digitalRead('P8_19', checkButton);

function checkButton(x) {
  if(x.value == 1){
    b.digitalWrite('P8_13', b.HIGH);
    b.digitalWrite('P8_13', b.LOW);

For AM3358 BeagleBone boards, the am335x-bone-common-univ.dtsi file already associates the P8_19 name to a specific GPIO:

P8_19 {
	gpio-name = "P8_19";
	gpio = <&gpio0 22 0>;

Such definitions are processed by the drivers/gpio/gpio-of-helper.c driver.

However, this driver is specific to the kernel, and the Device Tree for Beagle Bone AI doesn’t use it yet, so this aspect is still work in progress. The main goal remains though: define generic names for header pins, which map to specific GPIOs on different boards.

Universal Device Tree Overlays for Capes

Another challenge is to implement Device Tree Overlays for BeagleBone capes.

The goal as stated in the beginning is to use the same Device Tree overlays on both types of SoCs. While as of today it doesn’t seem possible to generate compiled Device Tree Overlays (DTBO) which would support both SoCs at the same time, the engineers have come up with a solution to achieve this at source level. This means that, for each cape to support, the Device Tree Overlay binaries for the supported SoCs can be produced from a unique source file.

While this hasn’t been deployed yet in the 5.10 BeagleBoard kernel, such source code is already available in Deepak Khatri’s own tree.

For example this CAN1 overlay (BONE-CAN1.dts):

 * Copyright (C) 2020 Deepak Khatri 
 * Virtual cape for /dev/bone/can/1
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.


* Helper to show loaded overlays under: /proc/device-tree/chosen/overlays/
&{/chosen} {
    overlays {
        BONE-CAN1 = __TIMESTAMP__;

 * Update the default pinmux of the pins.
 * See these files for the phandles (&P9_* & &P8_*)
&ocp {
    P9_24_pinmux { pinctrl-0 = <&P9_24_can_pin>;};  /* can rx */
    P9_26_pinmux { pinctrl-0 = <&P9_26_can_pin>;};  /* can tx */

 * See these files for the phandles (&bone_*) and other bone bus nodes
&bone_can_1 {
    status = "okay";

The &ocp code applies the pin muxing definitions for CAN on P9_24 (&P9_24_can_pin) and P9_26 (&P9_26_can_pin), which of course are different on AM3358 and AM5729.

Here are these definitions for AM3358 (am335x-bone-common-univ.dtsi):

P9_24_can_pin: pinmux_P9_24_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
       AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_txd.dcan1_rx */
P9_26_can_pin: pinmux_P9_26_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
       AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.dcan1_tx */

And those for AM5729 (am572x-bone-common-univ.dtsi):

P9_24_can_pin: pinmux_P9_24_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
        DRA7XX_CORE_IOPAD(0x368C, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* gpio6_15.dcan2_rx  */
P9_26_can_pin: pinmux_P9_26_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
	DRA7XX_CORE_IOPAD(0x3688, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* gpio6_14.dcan2_tx */

You can see that using a generic Device Tree phandle (&ref), you can use a definition which value depends on the Device Tree includes for each board.

The same idea was applied in enabling (status = "okay";) the CAN1 bus (&bone_can_1).

On AM3358, it is defined as (bbb-bone-buses.dtsi):

bone_can_1: &dcan1 {


And on AM5729, its definition is (bbai-bone-buses.dtsi):

bone_can_1: &dcan2 {



By adding a symlink property to the Device Tree sources, has made it possible to make userspace code, in particular its code examples, support all the BeagleBone boards at the same time, even though the devices they drive have are numbered differently on different SoCs.

Such a technique may be reused by other projects interested in running the same software on boards based on different SoCs.

As far as GPIOs are concerned, the drivers/gpio/gpio-of-helper.c driver is specific to the kernel and is unlikely to be accepted in the mainline kernel in its current state. However, there are other solutions, supported by the mainline kernel, to associate names to GPIOs and then to look up such GPIOs by name through libgpiod.

Last but not least, it’s possible to use the same Device Tree Overlay source code to support an extension board on similar boards, just by using common definitions having different values on each different platform. Any project can reuse this idea, which just uses standard Device Tree syntax.


Bootlin thanks for funding the creation of this blog post. Note that another post is coming in the next weeks, about the extension board manager we added to U-Boot thanks to funding from

Linux 5.17 released: Bootlin contributions

Linux 5.17 has been released last Sunday. As usual, the best coverage of what is part of this release comes from LWN (part 1 and part 2), as well as KernelNewbies (unresponsive at the time of this writing) or CNX Software (for an ARM/RISC-V/MIPS focused description).

Bootlin contributed just 34 patches to this release, which isn’t a lot by the number of patches, but in fact includes a number of important new features. Also, we have many more contributions being discussed on the mailing lists or in preparation. For this 5.17 release here are the highlights of our contributions:

  • Alexandre Belloni, as the maintainer of the RTC subsystem, contributed one improvement to an RTC driver
  • Clément Léger improved the Microchip Ocelot Ethernet switch driver performance by implementing FDMA support. This allows network packets that are going from the switch to the CPU, or from the CPU to the switch to be received/sent in a much more efficient fashion than before. The Microchip Ocelot Ethernet switch driver was developed and upstreamed several years ago by Bootlin, see our previous blog post.
  • Clément Léger also contributed smaller fixes: a bug fix in the core software node code, and one PHY driver fix.
  • Hervé Codina implemented support for GPIO interrupts on the old ST Spear320 platform.
  • Maxime Chevallier contributed mqprio support to the Marvell Ethernet MAC mvneta driver, which was the topic of a previous blog post
  • Miquèl Raynal contributed a brand new NAND controller driver, for the NAND controller found in the Renesas RZ/N1 SoC. We expect to contribute to many more aspects of the Renesas RZ/N1 Linux kernel support in the next few months.
  • Miquèl Raynal contributed a few Device Tree changes enabling the ADC on the Texas Instruments AM473x platform, after contributing the driver changes a few releases ago.
  • Miquèl Raynal started contributing some improvements to the 802.15.4 Linux kernel stack, and we also have many more changes in the pipe for this Linux kernel subsystem.
  • Thomas Perrot added support for the Sierra EM919X modem to the existing MHI PCI driver.

Here is the full list of our contributions: