Buildroot support for STM32MP updated, STM32MP2 added

STM32MP2 Evaluation Board 1We are happy to announce a new release of our buildroot-external-st project, which is a Buildrooot add-on that allows to easily get started with STMicroelectronics STM32MP platforms using Buildroot. This new release openstlinux-6.1-buildroot-2024.02.3-mpu-v24.06.26 brings support for the new STM32MP2 platform, updated ST BSP components, updated Buildroot.

Continue reading “Buildroot support for STM32MP updated, STM32MP2 added”

Power over Ethernet (PoE) support into the official Linux Kernel


Power over Ethernet (PoE) is a technology that combines power and data transmission over a single Ethernet cable. It simplifies the installation of networked devices like cameras, phones, and wireless access points by eliminating the need for separate power cables. PoE standards define how power is delivered alongside data, ensuring compatibility across devices. Originally denoted as “Power via MDI” (Media Dependent Interface) in the 802.3 IEEE standard, it later evolved into the recognized term “PoE” in the 2022 version of the standard. PoE equipment consists of two key components: Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) and Powered Devices (PD).

Linux support, DENT initiative

Up until recently, the upstream Linux kernel had absolutely no support for Power over Ethernet technologies. Due to that, every hardware vendor providing PoE hardware was delivering its own vendor-specific and non-standard solution, often centered around not so great user-space libraries, with dubious integration with the rest of the Linux ecosystem and networking stack, like is unfortunately still done quite often by hardware vendors.

The DENT project, which exists under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation, aims at using the Linux Kernel, Switchdev, and other Linux based projects as the basis for building a new standardized network operating system without abstractions or overhead. Among other things supported by DENT is dentOS, a SwitchDev based NOS built on top of Open Network Linux, which includes PoE support, but based on yet another non-standard fully user-space driven solution in the name of poed, where even the HW-specific drivers are implemented in user-space.

So DENT set as a goal to implement a fully upstream solution in the Linux kernel to properly support Power over Ethernet, and contracted Bootlin to perform this development and upstreaming effort.

Continue reading “Power over Ethernet (PoE) support into the official Linux Kernel”

Updated Buildroot support for STM32MP1 platforms, ST BSP v5.0

We continue the support of the buildroot-external-st project as presented in our first announce, which is an extension of the Buildroot build system with ready-to-use configurations for the STMicroelectronics STM32MP1 platforms. We already published several updates of this support, with the LTS 2022.02 and version 4.0 of ST BSP version update and the LTS 2022.02.7 and version 4.1 of ST BSP version update.

More specifically, this project is a BR2_EXTERNAL repository for Buildroot, with a number of defconfigs that allow to quickly build embedded Linux systems for the STM32MP1 Discovery Kit platforms. It’s a great way to get started with Buildroot on those platforms.

Today, we are happy to announce an updated version of this project, published under the branch st/2023.02.10 at This new version brings a number of additional features:

Continue reading “Updated Buildroot support for STM32MP1 platforms, ST BSP v5.0”

Systemd, read-only rootfs and overlay file system over /etc

Systemd is a popular init system, used to bootstrap user space and manage user processes. It now replaces several Linux utilities with its own components like log management, networking, time management, etc. There is even a bootloader component now. Systemd is obviously ubiquitous nowadays for desktop/server Linux distributions, and is also commonly used on embedded devices to benefit from features such as parallel startup of services, monitoring of services, and more.

In a recent project that uses Buildroot as its build system, we have used systemd with the storage consisting of a read-only root filesystem (SquashFS) and an overlay file system (OverlayFS) mounted on /etc. While doing this, we faced two issues with the use of OverlayFS on /etc:

  • /etc/machine-id file management. This file is created during the first boot by systemd, and if the root filesystem is read-only, it will bind mount it to /run and wait to have read-write access to create it (see more details). In that case, the machine-id file is re-generated at each boot (because /run is a tmpfs, which means that the machine identification changes at each boot, which is not necessarily desirable. On the other hand, we don’t want to machine-id file to be part of the SquashFS filesystem because the SquashFS filesystem is identical on all devices, while the /etc/machine-id file is unique per device. So ideally, we would like this machine-id file to be stored in our OverlayFS, generated during the first boot. The issue is that reading the machine-id file is done very early by systemd, before we get the chance to mount the OverlayFS.
  • We wanted to be able to add or modify systemd services using the OverlayFS. Systemd parses the service files at early init and executes them according to their order and dependencies. The service mounting the filesystems from /etc/fstab and any other services is started after such parsing, which is too late. We could think of running daemon-reload from a custom service once mounting was complete, but this is not really a stable solution, as
    Lennart Poettering commanted on in a short e-mail thread about this issue.

The solution suggested by Lennart, and elsewhere on the wider Internet is to mount the OverlayFS from an initramfs, which allows to have it setup before systemd even starts. As we use Buildroot and using an initramfs adds complexity by requiring a separate configuration to manage multiple images. This was overkill in our case, just for setting up the overlay. The solution we eventually chose was to create an script which is started as init before systemd, by adding init=/sbin/ to the kernel command line:

mount -t proc -o nosuid,nodev,noexec none /proc
mount -t sysfs -o nosuid,nodev,noexec none /sys
mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt/data
mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=/etc,upperdir=/mnt/data/etc,workdir=/mnt/data/.etc-work /etc
exec /sbin/init

Hopefully, this will be useful to others. Of course, we’re also curious to hear if others faced the same issue, and discover how they solved this. Let us know in the comments.

Updated Buildroot support for STM32MP1 platforms, ST BSP v4.1

Back in December 2021, we announced the buildroot-external-st project, which is an extension of the Buildroot build system with ready-to-use configurations for the STMicroelectronics STM32MP1 platforms. Later on, in July 2022, we updated it to the lastest Buildroot LTS 2022.02 and version 4.0 of ST BSP version.

More specifically, this project is a BR2_EXTERNAL repository for Buildroot, with a number of defconfigs that allow to quickly build embedded Linux systems for the STM32MP1 Discovery Kit platforms. It’s a great way to get started with Buildroot on those platforms.

Today, we are happy to announce an updated version of this project, published under the branch st/2022.02.7 at This new version brings the following changes:

Continue reading “Updated Buildroot support for STM32MP1 platforms, ST BSP v4.1”

ELBE: automated building of Ubuntu images for a Raspberry Pi 3B

Building embedded Linux systems

ELBETypical embedded Linux systems include a wide number of software components, which all need to be compiled and integrated together. Two main approaches are used in the industry to integrate such embedded Linux systems: build systems such as Yocto/OpenEmbedded, Buildroot or OpenWrt, and binary distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu or Fedora. Of course, both options have their own advantages and drawbacks.

One of the benefits of using standard binary distributions such as Debian or Ubuntu is their widespread use, their serious and long-term security maintenance and their large number of packages. However, they often lack appropriate tools to automate the process of creating a complete Linux system image that combines existing binary packages and custom packages.

In this blog post, we introduce ELBE (Embedded Linux Build Environment), which is a build system designed to build Debian distributions and images for the embedded world. While ELBE was initially focused on Debian only, Bootlin contributed support for building Ubuntu images with ELBE, and this blog post will show as an example how to build an Ubuntu image with ELBE for a Raspberry Pi 3B.

ELBE base principle

When you first run ELBE, it creates a Virtual Machine (VM) for building root filesystems. This VM is called initvm. The process of building the root filesystem for your image is to submit and XML file to the initvm, which triggers the building of an image.

The ELBE XML file can contain an archive, which can contain configuration files, and additional software. It uses pre-built software in the form of Debian/Ubuntu packages (.deb). It is also possible to use custom repositories to get special packages into the root filesystem. The resulting root file system (a customized Debian or Ubuntu distribution) can still be upgraded and maintained through Debian’s tools such as APT (Advanced Package Tool). This is the biggest difference between ELBE and other build systems like the Yocto Project and Buildroot.

Bootlin contributions

As mentioned in this blog post introduction, Bootlin contributed support for building Ubuntu images to ELBE, which led to the following upstream commits:

Build an Ubuntu image for the Raspberry Pi 3B

We are now going to illustrate how to use ELBE by showing how to build an image for the popular RaspberryPi 3B platform.

Add required packages

This was tested on Ubuntu 20.04. Install the below packages if needed, and make sure you are in the libvirt, libvirt-qemu and kvm groups:

$ sudo apt install python3 python3-debian python3-mako \
  python3-lxml python3-apt python3-gpg python3-suds \
  python3-libvirt qemu-utils qemu-kvm p7zip-full \
  make libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-system \
  libvirt-clients python3-urwid
$ sudo adduser youruser libvirt 
$ sudo adduser youruser libvirt-qemu
$ sudo adduser youruser kvm
$ newgrp libvirt
$ newgrp libvirt-qemu
$ newgrp kvm

Prepare ELBE initvm

First, you need to clone ELBE’s git reposority:

git clone

We need to use the v13.2 version because our latest contributions for Ubuntu support made it to 13.2:

$ cd elbe
$ git checkout v13.2

To create the initvm:

$ PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)
$ elbe initvm create --devel

The --devel parameter allows to use ELBE from the current working directory into the initvm.

If the command fails with the Signature with unknown key: message you need to add these keys to apt. Use the following command where XXX is the key to be added:

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys XXX

Creating your initvm should take at least 10 to 20 minutes.

In case you rebooted your computer or stopped the VM, you will need to start it:

$ elbe initvm start

Create an ELBE project for our Ubuntu image.

To begin with, we will base our image on the armhf-ubuntu example. We create an ELBE pbuilder project and not a simple ELBE project because we later want to build our own Linux kernel package for our board:

$ elbe pbuilder create --xmlfile=examples/armhf-ubuntu.xml \
  --writeproject rpi.prj --cross

The project identifier is written to rpi.prj. We save the identifier to a shell variable to simplify the next ELBE commands:

$ PRJ=$(cat rpi.prj)

Build the Linux package

As explained earlier we want to use ELBE to build our package for the Linux kernel. ELBE uses the standard Debian tool pbuilder to build packages. Therefore, we need to have debianized sources (i.e sources with the appropriate Debian metadata in a debian/ subfolder) to build a package with pbuilder.

First clone the Linux repositories:

$ git clone -b rpi-5.10.y
$ cd linux

Debianize the Linux repositories. We use the elbe debianize command to simplify the generation of the debian folder:

$ elbe debianize

Fill the settings in the UI as follows (make sure you reduce the font size if you don’t see the Confirm button):

Make sure you set Name to rpi. Otherwise, you won’t get the output file names we use in the upcoming instructions.

The debianize command helps to create the skeleton of the debian folder in the sources. It has been pre-configured for a few packages like bootloaders or the Linux kernel, to create the rules to build these packages. It may need further modifications to finish the packaging process. Take a look a the manual to have more information on debianization. In our case, we need to tweak the debian/ folder with the two following steps to cross-build the Raspberry Linux kernel without error.

Append the below lines to the debian/rules file (use tabs instead of spaces):

	dh_strip -Xscripts

	dh_shlibdeps -Xscripts

Remove the following line from the debian/linux-image-5.10-rpi.install file:


Update the source format:

$ echo "1.0" > debian/source/format

The Linux kernel sources are now ready, we can run elbe pbuilder to compile them:

$ mkdir ../out
$ elbe pbuilder build --project $PRJ --cross --out ../out

According to how fast your system is, this can run for hours!

If everything ends well without error the out/ directory has been filled with output files:

$ ls ../out

Update the Ubuntu XML image description

Now we have our Linux kernel packaged we can move on to the image generation. Since we started from examples/armhf-ubuntu.xml, we will modify this file to fit our needs.

We begin by adding the Linux kernel package to the XML image description in the pkg-list node:


We also have to add the Device Tree to the boot/ directory because the Linux kernel package installs all the Device Trees into the /usr/lib directory.

This change is part of the rootfs modifications, therefore it is described under the finetuning XML node. We also rename the kernel image to kernel.img:

	<cp path="/usr/lib/linux-image-5.10-rpi/bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb">/boot/bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb</cp>
	<cp path="/usr/lib/linux-image-5.10-rpi/overlays">/boot/overlays</cp>
	<mv path="/boot/vmlinuz-5.10-rpi">/boot/kernel.img</mv>

We want to use an SD card on our Raspberry Pi, so we have to describe the partitioning of our image. For this purpose, we add the images and the fstab XML nodes to the target XML node:


The Raspberry Pi board also needs firmware binaries and configurations file to boot properly. We will use the overlay directory to add these Raspberry firmware files to the image:

$ mkdir -p overlay/boot
$ cd overlay/boot
$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ echo "console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait" > cmdline.txt
$ echo "dtoverlay=miniuart-bt" > config.txt

ELBE stores the overlay uuencoded in the XML file using the chg_archive command:

$ elbe chg_archive examples/armhf-ubuntu.xml overlay

The archive node got created in the XML file.

To tell ELBE that the XML file has changed, you need to send it to the initvm:

$ elbe control set_xml $PRJ examples/armhf-ubuntu.xml

Then build the image with ELBE:

$ elbe control build $PRJ
$ elbe control wait_busy $PRJ

Finally, if the build completes successfully, you can retrieve the image file from the initvm:

$ elbe control get_files $PRJ
$ elbe control get_file $PRJ sdcard.img.tar.gz

Now you can flash the SD card image:

$ tar xf sdcard.img.tar.gz
$ dd if=sdcard.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M

And boot the board with root and foo as login and password:

Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS myUbuntu ttyAMA0

myUbuntu login: root
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.10-rpi armv7l)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.


Note: Ubuntu cannot be built for Raspberry A, B, B+, 0 and 0W according to, as Ubuntu targets the ARMv7-A architecture, while the older RaspberryPi use an ARMv6 processor.

Further details

LTP: Linux Test Project, Bootlin contributions


The Linux Test Project is a project that develops and maintains a large test suite that helps validating the reliability, robustness and stability of the Linux kernel and related features. LTP has been mainly developed by companies such as IBM, Cisco, Fujitsu, SUSE, RedHat, with a focus on desktop distributions.

On the embedded side, both the openembedded-core Yocto layer and Buildroot have packages that allow to use LTP on embedded targets. However, for a recent project, we practically tried to run the full LTP test suite on an i.MX8 based platform running a Linux system built with Yocto. It turned out that LTP was apparently not very often tested on Busybox-based embedded systems, and we faced a number of issues. In addition to reporting various bugs/issues to the upstream LTP project, we also contributed a number of fixes and improvements:

Our contributions received a very warm welcome in the LTP community, which turned out to be very open and responsive. We hope that these contributions will encourage others to use LTP, and hopefully to make sure it continues to work on embedded platforms.

Quick start guide

At the time of this writing, LTP has more than 3800 tests written by the community, including about 1000 network-related tests. The tests are grouped together in categories described by files in the runtest/ folder. Based on this, two scenarios of tests are defined: default and network which are described by two files in the scenario_groups/ folder. These two scenarios simply list the categories of tests that need to be executed.

Here are the contents of the default and network:

$ cat scenario_groups/default 
$ cat scenario_groups/network 

Once you have LTP built and installed on your board thanks to the appropriate OpenEmbedded or Buildroot package, you can run these two scenarios of test with the following commands (-n specify the network one):

$ cd /opt/ltp
$ ./runltp
$ ./runltp -n

Then take a look at the content of the result and the output directories.

For more information on building or running LTP please read this readme.