Announcing buildroot-external-st, Buildroot support for STM32MP1 platforms

STM32MP1 Discovery Kit 2Back in 2019, ST released a brand new processor family, the STM32MP1, whose members are currently based on a dual Cortex-A7 to run Linux combined with one Cortex-M4 to run bare-metal applications, together with a wide range of peripherals.

Following the release of this new platform, Bootlin ported its Embedded Linux and Yocto training courses to be available on STM32MP1, and also published a long series of tutorials showing how to use Buildroot to build an embedded Linux system on STM32MP1: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6 and part 7.

We are happy to announce that we have partnered with ST to develop an improved support of Buildroot on STM32MP1, which is materialized by a Buildroot BR2_EXTERNAL available on Github at In Buildroot, a BR2_EXTERNAL is an extension of the core Buildroot, with additional configurations and/or packages.

This BR2_EXTERNAL tree is an extension of Buildroot 2021.02, which provides four example Buildroot configuration to easily get started on STM32MP1 platforms:

  • st_stm32mp157a_dk1, building a basic Linux system for the STM32MP1 Discovery Kit 1 platform, with a minimal Linux root filesystem
  • st_stm32mp157c_dk2, building a basic Linux system for the STM32MP1 Discovery Kit 2 platform, with a minimal Linux root filesystem
  • st_stm32mp157a_dk1_demo, building a much more featureful Linux system for the STM32MP1 Discovery Kit 1 platform, with Linux root filesystem that allows to run Qt5 applications with OpenGL acceleration on the HDMI output, that supports audio, demonstrates the usage of the Cortex-M4, uses OP-TEE, and more.
  • st_stm32mp157c_dk2_demo, building a much more featureful Linux system for the STM32MP1 Discovery Kit 2 platform, with Linux root filesystem that allows to run Qt5 applications with OpenGL acceleration on both the integrated DSI display and HDMI output, that supports audio, WiFi and Bluetooth, demonstrates the usage of the Cortex-M4, uses OP-TEE, and more.

This BR2_EXTERNAL is designed to work with Buildroot 2021.02, with only a small set of modifications, which since then have been integrated in upstream Buildroot, ensuring that STM32MP1 users can directly use upstream Buildroot for their projects.

There is extensive documentation on how to use this BR2_EXTERNAL tree as well as how to test the various features of the STM32MP1 platform: using STM32CubeProgrammer, using Device Tree generated from STM32 CubeMX, using the Cortex-M4, testing display support, using Qt5, using WiFi, using Bluetooth, using audio and using OP-TEE. We have also documented the internals of the BR2_EXTERNAL components.

This Buildroot support is using the latest software components from the recently released 3.1 BSP from ST (see release notes), so it is based on Linux 5.10, U-Boot 2020.10, TF-A 2.4 and OP-TEE 3.12. We will keep this BR2_EXTERNAL updated with newer releases of the ST BSP.

If you face any issue while using this Buildroot support for STM32MP1, you can use the issue tracker of the Github project, or use the ST community forums. Bootlin can also provide commercial support on Linux on STM32MP1 platforms, as well as training courses.

Thomas Petazzoni

Author: Thomas Petazzoni

Thomas Petazzoni is Bootlin's co-owner and CEO. Thomas joined Bootlin in 2008 as a kernel and embedded Linux engineer, became CTO in 2013, and co-owner/CEO in 2021. More details...

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