Bootlin at Kernel Recipes 2018: speaking and attending

Kernel RecipesThe Kernel Recipes conference, to be held in Paris on September 26-28, has become over the years a very popular conference on kernel topics, with its atypical single-track format and limitation to 100 attendees. With this conference taking place in Paris, France, Bootlin engineers obviously never missed the chance to attend, and this year again, several of us will participate to the event.

Our engineers Grégory Clement, Mylène Josserand and Boris Brezillon will be attending. In addition, Grégory Clement will be giving a talk titled Overview of SD/eMMC, their high speed modes and Linux support, in which he will share his experience working on MMC support in the Linux kernel.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us during Kernel Recipes to discuss Linux kernel development, consulting projects, and opportunities at Bootlin!

Thomas Petazzoni

Author: Thomas Petazzoni

Thomas Petazzoni is Bootlin's co-owner and CEO. Thomas joined Bootlin in 2008 as a kernel and embedded Linux engineer, became CTO in 2013, and co-owner/CEO in 2021. More details...

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