We are happy to release new training materials that we have developed in 2013 with funding from Atmel Corporation.
The materials correspond to a 1-day embedded Linux boot time reduction workshop. In addition to boot time reduction theory, consolidating some of our experience from our embedded Linux boot time reduction projects, the workshop allows participants to practice with the most common techniques. This is done on SAMA5D3x Evaluation Kits from Atmel.
The system to optimize is a video demo from Atmel. We reduce the time to start a GStreamer based video player. During the practical labs, you will practice with techniques to:
- Measure the various steps of the boot process
- Analyze time spent starting system services, using
- Simplify your init scripts
- Trace application startup with
- Find kernel functions taking the most time during the boot process
- Reduce kernel size and boot time
- Replace U-Boot by the Barebox bootloader, and save a lot of time
thanks to the activation of the data cache.
As usual, our training materials are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. This essentially means that you are free to download, distribute and even modify them, provided you mention us as the original authors and that you share these documents under the same conditions.
Special thanks to Atmel for allowing us to share these new materials under this license!
Here are the documents at last:
The first public session of this workshop will be announced in the next weeks.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested in organizing a session on your site.