As every year, FOSDEM, the largest community-driven open source conference in Europe, took place early February in Brussels. And again, Bootlin was around with its HD camcorder, to record the conferences of interest for embedded developers. They are now available for download!
In agreement with the speakers, these videos are released under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.
Here are the videos that we have (unfortunately, the FOSDEM team doesn’t collect and publish the slides from the speakers) :
Enlightenment Foundation Libraries – for developing shiny, fast, and light applications on embedded targets, Cedric Bail, Leandro A.F. Pereira
video (195M)- Cold boot attacks on RAM readout, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
video (105M) - Really fast x86 boot, Rudolf Marek
video (100 M) - Linaro, Loïc Minier
video (255M) - MeeGo: A solid platform for hackable mobile devices, Carsten Munk
video (200M) - DaVinci dm365 for home automation, Raffaele Recalcati
video (211M) - Booting and upgrading a flashless system, Ulf Samuelsson
video (205M) Advanced Experiments with XMOS Multicore Embedded Hardware, Christophe Scholliers
video (206M)- Qt tales from the embedded trenches, Igor Trindade Oliveira, Adenilson Cavalcanti, Bruno de Oliveira Abinader
video (310M) - Creating secure web based user interfaces for Embedded Devices, Arnout Vandecappelle
video (180M) - Flukso – Community Metering, Bart Van Der Meerssche
video (192M) - Arduino/AVR: interactive development on the controller with amforth, Erich Wälde
video (246M) - Introduction to OpenBricks, an Embedded Linux Framework, Benjamin Zores
video (239M)
Slides and proceedings for the “arduino/AVR … amforth” talk can
be found at