Bootlin at Capitole du Libre 2022: sponsor, booth and talks

Capitole du Libre 2022Capitole du Libre is a free-software/open-source conference with a local/regional scope organized in Toulouse, France, since ~2012. As one of the Bootlin offices is also located in Toulouse, Bootlin has often participated to this event by giving talks or simply by attending.

The 2022 edition, the first after 2 years of interruption due to the COVID19 crisis, will take place on November 19 and November 20. Bootlin will participate by:

If you’re in the Toulouse area and a free-software/open-source enthusiast, we strongly recommend you to attend Capitole du Libre. The event is free, no registration is required, and there’s a very nice line-up of talks and workshops!

Thomas Petazzoni

Author: Thomas Petazzoni

Thomas Petazzoni is Bootlin's co-owner and CEO. Thomas joined Bootlin in 2008 as a kernel and embedded Linux engineer, became CTO in 2013, and co-owner/CEO in 2021. More details...

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