Back from the Embededded Linux Conference: selection of talks #3

After a first and a second episode, our series of blog posts with our selection of talks we liked at the latest Embedded Linux Conference continues. Read on to discover the last 3 talks that we enjoyed and decided to summarize and highlight for you.

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Back from the Embededded Linux Conference: selection of talks #2

After a first episode, our series of blog posts with our selection of talks we liked at the latest Embedded Linux Conference continues. Read on to discover 4 more talks that we enjoyed, and decided to summarize and highlight for you.

Continue reading “Back from the Embededded Linux Conference: selection of talks #2”

Our talks at Embedded Open Source Summit 2024

The Embedded Open Source Summit 2024 took place on Apr 16-18 in Seattle, with many talks on a wide range of embedded Linux topics. 11 engineers from Bootlin participated to this conference and four of us gave talks, for which we are happy to publish the slides and videos in this blog post.

Bootlin team at Embedded Open Source Summit 2024
Bootlin team at Embedded Open Source Summit 2024

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