
Free training materials and conference presentations from Bootlin, covering kernel, real-time, Android, embedded Linux system and device driver development. License All our documents are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. This essentially means that you are free to download, distribute and even modify them, provided you mention us as the … Continue reading “Docs”

ELC 2008 report

Table of contents Introduction Day 1 Keynote: Tux in Lights, Henry Kingman Adventures in Real-Time Performance Tuning, Frank Rowand Kernel size report and Bloatwatch update, Matt Mackall Every Microamp is sacred – A dynamic voltage and current control interface for the Linux Kernel, Liam Girdwood Using Real-Time Linux, Klaas van Gend Power management quality of … Continue reading “ELC 2008 report”

Free embedded Linux training: one year after

A summary of the improvements brought in 1 year to our free embedded linux training materials. Since our first public release in October 2004, we made significant improvements to our free embedded Linux training materials: The total number of slides increased from approximately 500 to more than 1000. Here are all available training materials and … Continue reading “Free embedded Linux training: one year after”