Bootlin is happy to announce its first public training session outside of France.
Of course, we deliver training courses on customer sites all around the world, but this will be the first one open to individual registration that we organize outside of France.
We are starting with an Android system development session in Southampton, UK.
You will enjoy the newest version of our Android course, based on Android 4.x, and using the BeagleBone Black as the development platform for the practical labs. As always in our training sessions, participants walk away with the board used during the practical labs (in this case the BeagleBone Black and its LCD cape), allowing them to continue their learning and experiments well after the end of the course.
Being a popular cruising destination, Southampton is easy to reach from other cities in the UK and in the world.
The Android robot picture is copyrighted by Google. It is licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution Unported license. The British robot version has been derived by Bootlin, and is available under the same license. Feel free to reuse it and improve it as long as you keep the original author!