Company name: Bootlin
Company structure: Public Limited Company (“Société par Actions Simplifiée” in France)
General managers: Thomas Petazzoni and Alexandre Belloni
Capital: 50,000 €
Registration number (France): RCS Lyon No 483 248 399
SIRET number (France): 48324839900105
Training provider declaration number (France): 84 69 18275 69
APE / NAF Code (France): 6202A
EU intra-community VAT number: FR87 483 248 399
Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) number: 280024014
Bootlin engineering services are eligible to the French Crédit Impôt Recherche tax incentives, for French companies.
According to its legal obligations, Bootlin files its financial reports at the end of each year. These reports are public.
Here is where you can find details about Bootlin:
- Dun & Bradstreet: DUNS number 280024014
- financial results (free) and other documents. Unfortunately, this website is no longer available in English.