These are materials from our tutorial at the Ottawa Linux Symposium in July 2008

To test this demo by yourself, just download the run_qemu, vmlinuz-arm-2.6.25 and videos.ext2 files and run:


More details in our presentation: multimedia-system-tutorial.pdf.

The downloads directory contains the sources of the packages we compile during the tutorial, as well Debian packages and a compressed tar archive of the version of Scratchbox we used.

The mediaplayerprod.tar.lzma archive contains the filesystem used in ultimate version of our demo. You will need it modify the demo or its kernel, as the filesystem is embedded in the kernel binary. This filesystem should also work unmodified on another ARM device with a LCD and a sound card (at least a dummy one).

mediaplayer.tar.lzma contains the same filesystem, but before we removed unused files and stripped binaries. You could use it in a Scratchbox environment to compile more libraries and tools.