How did the course meet your learning objectives?
Comments and suggestions
How was the duration of the course?
Comments and suggestions
How useful were the training materials?
Comments and suggestions
How knowledgeable was the instructor?
Comments and suggestions
How much value did the instructor add to lecture materials?
Suggestions and comments
How useful were the practical demos?
Comments and suggestions
Was enough time dedicated to practical demos?
Comments and suggestions
How well was the course organized (program, registration, schedule...)?
Comments and suggestions
How much did you learn?
Comments and suggestions
How useful should this course be in your daily job?
Comments and suggestions
What part(s) of the course did you like most?
What part(s) of the course did you like least?
Overall rating
Comments and suggestions
Further training needs?Comments
What reasons prompted you to choose Bootlin?
How did you first learn about Bootlin?
Interested in other types of embedded Linux engineering services?
Comments and expectations
7/16/2021 11:33:57343555443373
Not applicable - My management made the decision
Bootlin chosen by my management
Not interested
7/16/2021 11:35:15334534342171
Not applicable - My management made the decision
Bootlin chosen by my management
Not interested
7/16/2021 11:37:005
Add information to the pre-requisites for the training that BeagleBoard needs to be prepared for the training.
Perhaps add homework to practice some things ourselves.
Lab slides could be more detailed - like a step-by-step approach.
Some commands were missing from the lab slides, the instructions could be more detailed.
Interacting with the hardware
Not applicable - My management made the decision
Bootlin chosen by my management
Linux board support package development, Boot time reduction, Power management, Development of real-time systems, Build environment support, Root filesystem development, Technology and architecture consulting
7/16/2021 11:37:12432443333373Language
Bootlin chosen by my management
Linux board support package development
7/16/2021 11:41:185
Interesting approach combining theory and practice (good balance)
Labs, where new driver has been written for handling serial port and Nunchuck.
Part related with linux contribution and releases, however, it's good to mention about it.
Availability of online sessions, Trainer, Open training materials that can be checked in advance
Internet search engines
ALSA, perf profiling
7/16/2021 11:47:475355453554Practical labs.94
Not applicable - My management made the decision
Thanks to my colleague.
Not interested
7/16/2021 12:01:325
Mybe a hint - if you could your own board for linux dev. like for example - I have a RPI - can I also use this one for exercise that we are doing during a course. Not every one accessing the course have a BigleBone board, but are intereseted on the course with others platforms, developed at bootlin.
I really like a concept of 4 hours a day of a training. This also gives you a time to think through materials and do some additional work.
Maybe a little update on 64 bit architecture - as for example UBOOT for 64 bit is now booting with booti commmand and not bootz. I've got the general concept, and was manage to find a solution quite fast but only thanks to 4 hour per day concept.
He also gave answers related to subject but outside of a course agenda, so very experienced and knowledgeable person I my understanding.
Maybe a little bit more, or different device, concerning other device - like GPIO for instance - like simple LED driver working with different value or simple push button joystick device?
As stated before - maybe another practical example - like GPIO simple push button joystick device.
Maybe some demo - like you can participate with other platforms (RPI for instance) with instruction how to setup your build machine ( and we can compile linux for that platform, as well as UBOOT - together.
With every LTS there is an another world out there - What I really like is where I can get basics for coping with that world and those would be "Linux Kernel in a Nutshell", "Linux Device Drivers" and of course
I'm also involved in non-kernel projects so this is a part of my every day job (a big part)
Practical training, god final exam (with comments to particular question). Personal approach o a trainer, great approach to students and repeating, answering questions outside of an agenda.
Small amount of time which prohibited me to dive deeper into a question from final exam.
Maybe a network infrastructure for Linux. Definitely I'm going for security in Linux like for example "working with trust zone under Linux.
Availability of online sessions, Trainer, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, This was my firs available course from that subject.
Course recommended by previous participants
Linux board support package development, Boot time reduction, Power management, Development of real-time systems, Build environment support, Root filesystem development, Bug fixing, On-site engineering
Driver development for other interfaces like - for example MIPI.