TimestampHow did the course meet your learning objectives?How was the duration of the course?Comments and suggestionsComments and suggestionsHow useful were the training materials?Comments and suggestionsWill you recommend this document to others?Comments and suggestionsIf you have Linux / Android project opportunities, will you use this document again in the future?Comments and suggestionsHow important are printed materials?Comments and suggestionsDid instructor oral explanations add value to the lecture materials?CommentsHow much value did the instructor add to lecture materials?Suggestions and commentsWas the instructor helpful with practical labs?Comments and suggestionsHow do you rate the training equipment (mainly computers)?Comments and suggestionsHow well was the course organized (program, registration, schedule...)?Comments and suggestionsHow much did you learn?Comments and suggestionsHow useful should this course be in your daily job?Comments and suggestionsWould you recommend this course to others?Comments and suggestionsOverall ratingComments and suggestionsFurther training needs?CommentsHow did the course meet your learning objectives?What part(s) of the course did you like most?CommentsWhat part(s) of the course did you like least?What reasons prompted you to choose Bootlin?How did you first learn about Bootlin?Interested in other types of embedded Linux engineering services?Comments and expectationsComments and suggestionsHow do you rate training conditions (room size, equipment, environment)?How useful were the practical demos?Comments and suggestionsComments and suggestionsHow difficult were the training labs?Was enough time dedicated to practical demos?Comments and suggestionsHow knowledgeable was the instructor?Please tell us why you need or don't need paper printed materialsHow far do you come from?
7/7/2020 15:15:27444443744La partie Yoctola partie historiqueNot applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementNot interested545
7/7/2020 15:16:06445543935Linux triviasCompilation timeNot applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementNot interested435
7/7/2020 15:16:33345454955Not applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementLinux board support package development, Development of real-time systems, Root filesystem development, Technology and architecture consulting534
7/7/2020 15:18:3033Online training5543745Bootloader partFileystem partNot applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementNot interested435
7/7/2020 15:19:37445554835Not applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementNot interested435
7/7/2020 15:20:44334232624Not applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementNot interested424
7/7/2020 15:21:3045445595Using Yocto5Learning about cross-compiling, setting debuggers on a target, using buildrootthe part concerning NAND memoriesNot applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementBoot time reduction, Build environment support, Root filesystem development3Because of the format (video conf), we didn't get to follow the same steps as the instructor in real time, and I think it was lacking. It isn't however the instructor's fault at all, so no worries :)3Related to previous answer5
7/7/2020 15:21:3243545494i don't know5what choices makes me have a more powerful kernel and a more organized rootfsThe fine details in the file systems like the logic structure of a NANDNot applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementLinux board support package development, Boot time reduction, Power management325
7/7/2020 15:21:414L'absence de TP concret à cause de la situation actuelle ne m'a pas permis d'assimiler correctement les différents éléments présentés pendant le cours. Je ne remets aucunement en question le fond, mais la forme ne me convient pas. J'apprends en pratiquant4Rien à dire là dessus, les questions étaient comprises et répondues convenablement. Lorsqu'une question posait problème, elle était répondue le lendemain442Encore une fois la faute au format, qui n'est de la faute à personne24Si je devais résumer la globalité de ma pensée, la même formation en physique avec les TP fait par chacun m'aurait été infiniment plus bénéfique. Encore une fois, je ne blame pas Bootlin, qui n'est en rien responsable de cette situation, mais j'ai la sensation de n'avoir par conséquent pas retenu grand chose4En physique avec pratique certainement, en distanciel non2Not applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementJe ne sais pas réellement1Comme dit précédemment, bien que je comprenne que c'est n'est pas de la responsabilité de bootlin, le format d'apprentissage à distance et de TP fait par l'instructeur ne me permettent pas de s'approprier le TP et d'assimiler35
7/7/2020 15:22:0034Would have been better with a real board, but Qemu does a good job4555105kernel driver development and yocto5everything was usefullpart on the nand flash is very usefull but it's not easy to stay focusedTrainer, Open training materials that can be checked in advanceCourse recommended by previous participantsLinux board support package development53It may be a good idea, even in remote sessions, that the students perform labs during the training session (maybe not all of them) to have more interactive sessions4
7/7/2020 15:22:0845554385Kernel drivers and modules development 4Real Time Linux And BuildrootFlash Storage and FilesystemsNot applicable - My management made the decisionTechnical resources on the Bootlin websiteLinux board support package development3Was not able to do practical demos25
7/7/2020 15:22:5834VM to practice344485Yocto4Not applicable - My management made the decisionTechnical resources on the Bootlin websiteLinux board support package development, Root filesystem development3It would be better to practice ourselves in the meantime 34
7/7/2020 15:25:404C'est une bonne idée de ne faire qu'une demi-journée de formation/jour mais le cours est malgré tout un peu long (cinq 1/2j aurait été mieux à mon sens)Rien à dire sur le contenu.5Rien à dire, les explications étaient très clairs, le formateur maîtrise le sujet.454A permis de consolider mes bases précédemment acquises et de découvrir/comprendre certains aspects du système linux embarqué que j'avais seulement survolé pendant mes expériences professionnelles. 3Mon travail reste principalement sur des micro 32bits temps réel.855La mise en place du système Linux from scratch sans les outils buildroot, etc..rien de particulier.Not applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementLinux board support package development3Contexte particulier, pas de travaux pratiques possibles en période de COVID et difficile de les faire en dehors des cours.35