TimestampHow did the course meet your learning objectives?How was the duration of the course?Comments and suggestionsComments and suggestionsHow useful were the training materials?Comments and suggestionsWill you recommend this document to others?Comments and suggestionsIf you have Linux / Android project opportunities, will you use this document again in the future?Comments and suggestionsHow important are printed materials?Comments and suggestionsDid instructor oral explanations add value to the lecture materials?CommentsHow much value did the instructor add to lecture materials?Suggestions and commentsWas the instructor helpful with practical labs?Comments and suggestionsHow do you rate the training equipment (mainly computers)?Comments and suggestionsHow well was the course organized (program, registration, schedule...)?Comments and suggestionsHow much did you learn?Comments and suggestionsHow useful should this course be in your daily job?Comments and suggestionsWould you recommend this course to others?Comments and suggestionsOverall ratingComments and suggestionsFurther training needs?CommentsHow did the course meet your learning objectives?What part(s) of the course did you like most?CommentsWhat part(s) of the course did you like least?What reasons prompted you to choose Bootlin?How did you first learn about Bootlin?Interested in other types of embedded Linux engineering services?Comments and expectationsComments and suggestionsHow do you rate training conditions (room size, equipment, environment)?How useful were the training labs?Comments and suggestionsComments and suggestionsHow difficult were the training labs?Was enough time dedicated to practical labs?Comments and suggestionsHow knowledgeable was the instructor?Please tell us why you need or don't need paper printed materialsHow far do you come from?
5/17/2019 15:35:382545544465Yocto5labsAvailability for on-site sessionsCourse recommended by previous participantsLinux board support package development, Development of real-time systems, Technical support, Technology and architecture consulting5425Usefull to takes notes on it
5/17/2019 15:35:5443445322443Availability for on-site sessions, Open training materials that can be checked in advanceInternet search enginesLinux board support package development, Technical support3345
5/17/2019 15:39:153Fine but definitely VM and in-experimented Command line students didn't help. Some parts of the course can be done faster (not sure we need to detail entirely the copmmands arguments during the lecture as we spend time on them during labs)5345552Hope will be useful for the mid term developments625Application debugging and real time (last day)struggling with the VMNot applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementNot interested5435I highlight in the documents important parts to find them back more quickly
5/17/2019 15:41:094maybe an update of linux practices (terminal commands, directory) could be useful.4554442544build a complete system from scratchreal timeNot applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementLinux board support package development, Build environment support, Root filesystem development, Technical supportyes, but sometimes we are not all synchronized at the end of the lab and a guided correction on screen could be useful.4425A labs paper allow me to add annotations. Maybe keep some place in the text to allow us to write annotations. A complete exhaustive and corrected version of the lab paper could be useful, because there will be some delay between the course and the applications.
5/17/2019 15:41:3532I won't be able to learn with only the material.243331I won't use it in short term. I ask the training for my global knowledge.42not for the moment as I don't have plan to use it in a short term.3AllNot applicable - My management made the decisionCourse recommended by previous participantsLinux board support package development3434
5/17/2019 15:42:1034Certains slides sont pas très lisibles, sans couleurs, polices petits
Les supports de lab sont difficile pour tourner les pages
2Les discussions et les 'questions réponses' pendant la formation sont très intéressants et enrichissants552Manque une présentation générale de programme au début de la formation
Au mieux de préciser les horaires pour éviter d'attendre les stagiaires
54644Availability for on-site sessions, Open training materials that can be checked in advanceCourse recommended by previous participantsLinux board support package development, Development of real-time systems542Une démonstration ou des corrections de labs sont nécessaires4
5/17/2019 15:44:193One week training is enough but it's requiring to do not spent time on topics not related to topics even if it is following to questions from the trainees. Maybe sometimes clearly said that it is not part of the training...55455525I put only 5 as we were not able to cover all the topics of the training. Responsibility is split between us and the class, but you are the time keepers and maybe sometimes remind that you can't spend 15 minutes on explained how a nand flah is working for examples.
Otherwise, I would put more, as you were very valuable
3More than training, I will need to practice5Not applicable - My management made the decisionBootlin chosen by my managementDevelopment of real-time systems533mix between lecture and labs is well split5training material is useful as it allow to navigate more easy from topics and add notes
5/17/2019 15:49:072Le cours est vraiment dense et pour des novices comme notre groupe je pense qu'il nous aurait fallu quelques jours de plus.Il nous a manque du temps en fin de training pour creer une petit application appelant le API du Kernel.51Au vu de mon niveau les formateurs etaient des puits de science.5345574Peut etre un training Yocto qui est utilise chez nous.4Les training lab Le cours sur la partie memoire nand etait tres interessant mais un peu eloigne du trainingAvailability for on-site sessions, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, LanguageBootlin chosen by my managementTechnical supportIl pourrait etre interessant que le formateur nous laisse quelques minutes pour demarrer le lab, puis realise apres quelques minutes ce meme lab sur ecran geants. Cela permet d'expliquer chaque etapes si elles ne sont pas bien comprises, realigner chaque personnes du groupe et maitriser le temps du lab.

Nous n'avons pas fait tous les lab par manque de temps mais voir le resultat final nous montre au moins l'utiliter de ces lab.
5Les principes lies a linux sont comprensible mais de mon coté, j'ai perdu du temps avec la syntaxe des commandes line.33La moindre erreur fait perdre un temps precieux difficile a rattraper. Encore une fois une demo sur ecran geant permettrai de raligner l'ensemble du groupe.5J'ajouterai que pour la fonction copier/coller de certaine commande le support digital est plus adapté