A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH | AI | AJ | AK | AL | AM | AN | AO | AP | AQ | AR | AS | AT | AU | AV | AW | AX | |
1 | Timestamp | How did the course meet your learning objectives? | How was the duration of the course? | Comments and suggestions | Comments and suggestions | How useful was the lecture document? | Comments and suggestions | Will you recommend this document to others? | Comments and suggestions | If you have Linux / Android project opportunities, will you use this document again in the future? | Comments and suggestions | How knowledgeable was the instructor? | Comments and suggestions | Did instructor oral explanations add value to the lecture materials? | Comments | How much value did the instructor add to lecture materials? | Suggestions and comments | Was the instructor helpful with practical labs? | Comments and suggestions | How do you rate the training equipment (mainly computers)? | Comments and suggestions | How well was the course organized (program, registration, schedule...)? | Comments and suggestions | How much did you learn? | Comments and suggestions | How useful should this course be in your daily job? | Comments and suggestions | Would you recommend this course to others? | Comments and suggestions | Overall rating | Comments and suggestions | Further training needs? | Comments | How did the course meet your learning objectives? | What part(s) of the course did you like most? | Comments | What part(s) of the course did you like least? | What reasons prompted you to choose Free Electrons? | How did you first learn about Free Electrons? | Interested in other types of embedded Linux / Android engineering services? | Comments and expectations | Comments and suggestions | How do you rate training conditions (room size, equipment, environment)? | How useful were the training labs? | Comments and suggestions | Comments and suggestions | How difficult were the training labs? | Was enough time dedicated to practical labs? | Comments and suggestions | How far do you come from? |
2 | 6/12/2015 15:50:18 | 3 | super genial | 5 | 5 | super. touche sa bille et sait de quoi il parle | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 5 | uboot, yocto, Embedded Linux system development course | 5 | ALL | Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Availability for on-site sessions, Trainer, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Language, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only), Access to full feedback from participants to previous sessions, Cost, Not applicable - My management made the decision | Free Electrons chosen by my management | Board Support Package development: make Linux / Android support your new hardware, Real-time: implementation and bug fixing, Build environment deployment and support, Root filesystem design and development, Investigating and fixing bugs | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | From less than 100 km / 60 miles | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | 6/12/2015 15:51:32 | 3 | C'est la meilleure formation que j'ai reçu jusqu’ici. (tous thèmes confondus). | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 7 | 5 | 5 | Availability for on-site sessions, Not applicable - My management made the decision | Free Electrons chosen by my management | Board Support Package development: make Linux / Android support your new hardware, Real-time: implementation and bug fixing | 5 | 5 | 2 | 3 | From less than 100 km / 60 miles | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | 6/12/2015 15:53:56 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 4 | android Real time kernel | 4 | lab and manipulation | nothing, fully balance between lab and training | advice from collegue | Course recommended by previous participants | Board Support Package development: make Linux / Android support your new hardware, Real-time: implementation and bug fixing | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | From less than 100 km / 60 miles | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 6/12/2015 15:57:54 | 3 | 5 days were plenty enough to cover all topics in the planning. | 4 | Very clean and to the point. | 5 | 5 | 5 | Not applicable, on-site training. | 3 | Same as above, computers supplied by our company. | 4 | 5 | 4 | 6 | Very efficient training overall. Difficulty is fine provided one matgches the prequisites (most notably, a decent background in C is really needed). | 3 | Not immediately, perhaps Android in the future | 5 | Last afternoon is mostly about side-topics that may not be of interest to everyone participating in the training (board support for arm, power management...) | Not applicable - My management made the decision | recommended by a colleague | Boot time reduction, Real-time: implementation and bug fixing, Consulting in technology selection and methodology | 3 | 5 | Using real hardware to test the code is definitely a plus. | If you've got a decent C background, the first labs are a bit easy as many detailed instructions are given in the lab book. Later labs are more "open" and require a bit more thinking. | 2 | 3 | 50/50 ratio between lectures and labs is fine. | From less than 100 km / 60 miles | |||||||||||||||||||
6 | 6/12/2015 16:04:19 | 3 | La durée est correcte et le rythme bien adapté. | Le contenu de la formation a complètement répondu à mes attentes. Les labs étaient parfaitement guidés et très pertinents. Les supports de formation sont clairs et le formateur très compétent et ouvert à toutes les questions. | 5 | La structure étant claire, agrémentée de schémas simples et compréhensibles, les documents apportent une bonne base à la compréhension. | 5 | Le formateur maîtrise parfaitement le sujet et peut même aller plus loin dans la compréhension des concepts. | 5 | De part son expérience, le formateur va au-delà des supports de formation et n'hésites pas à la partager. Il revient volontiers sur les points difficiles et est très à l'écoute de son auditoire. | 5 | Tout était parfait. Nous disposions d'un PC par participant. | 5 | Préparé par notre société. | 5 | Programme et rythme bien adapté | 5 | Après avoir travaillé sur un projet Linux récemment, cette formation m'a permis de comprendre certaines parties qui m'ont posées des difficultés. | 4 | Pour l'instant, je ne travaille pas en environnement Linux, mais je peux être amené à travailler sur des sujets comme ceux abordés dans la formation. Cette formation me permet aussi de répondre sur de projets de ce type. | 7 | Excellent ! | 3 | Peut-être intéressé par la formation sur Linux embarqué | 5 | La compilation du noyau L'écriture du driver et la gestion des interruptions | La partie Git | Not applicable - My management made the decision | Course recommended by previous participants | Real-time: implementation and bug fixing, Build environment deployment and support, Root filesystem design and development, Consulting in technology selection and methodology | Le formateur n'a pas hésité à répondre aux questions et étudier les difficultés rencontrées. | 5 | 5 | Indispensable pour bien comprendre les concepts. | Les labs sont très guidés et la progression est cohérente. | 3 | 5 | Le formateur a attendu que l'ensemble des participants ait terminé les labs pour continuer. | From less than 100 km / 60 miles | |||||||||||
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