A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH | AI | AJ | AK | AL | AM | AN | AO | AP | AQ | AR | AS | AT | AU | AV | AW | AX | |
1 | Timestamp | How did the course meet your learning objectives? | How was the duration of the course? | Comments and suggestions | Comments and suggestions | How useful was the lecture document? | Comments and suggestions | Will you recommend this document to others? | Comments and suggestions | If you have Linux / Android project opportunities, will you use this document again in the future? | Comments and suggestions | How knowledgeable was the instructor? | Comments and suggestions | Did instructor oral explanations add value to the lecture materials? | Comments | How much value did the instructor add to lecture materials? | Suggestions and comments | Was the instructor helpful with practical labs? | Comments and suggestions | How do you rate the training equipment (mainly computers)? | Comments and suggestions | How well was the course organized (program, registration, schedule...)? | Comments and suggestions | How much did you learn? | Comments and suggestions | How useful should this course be in your daily job? | Comments and suggestions | Would you recommend this course to others? | Comments and suggestions | Overall rating | Comments and suggestions | Further training needs? | Comments | How did the course meet your learning objectives? | What part(s) of the course did you like most? | Comments | What part(s) of the course did you like least? | What reasons prompted you to choose Free Electrons? | How did you first learn about Free Electrons? | Interested in other types of embedded Linux / Android engineering services? | Comments and expectations | Comments and suggestions | How do you rate training conditions (room size, equipment, environment)? | How useful were the training labs? | Comments and suggestions | Comments and suggestions | How difficult were the training labs? | Was enough time dedicated to practical labs? | Comments and suggestions | How far do you come from? |
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9 | 11/27/2015 14:55:37 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 5 | Duck me !!!! | Trainer, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only) | Course recommended by previous participants | Yocto | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 | From more than 100 km / 60 miles, same country | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 11/27/2015 15:18:47 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 6 | Since I am new in the Linux community, I had to begin from the scratch. It was quite hard at the beggining but I learned a lot during the formation and thanks to Thomas patience and the document we got. | 3 | 4 | Geographical proximity (public sessions only) | Internet search engines | Build environment support | 5 | 5 | 4 | 3 | From less than 100 km / 60 miles | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | 11/30/2015 23:05:36 | 3 | Durée adaptée. Bonne alternance entre cours et TP. | Objectif atteint. Aucune question n'est restée sans réponse ! | 5 | Le support de cours est bien fait. Les notions importantes sont décrites de façon claire et des ouvertures vers d'autres doc ou références permettent d'approfondir si nécessaire. | 5 | Thomas est très pédagogue. | 5 | Thomas est incollable ! ;-) | 5 | Hotel Pullman : Froid le lundi matin. En général, froid au restaurant. Pauses et repas agréables. | 5 | 4 | Confirmation de la session un peu tardive. | 5 | Ne travaillant pas dans le domaine, j'ai énormément appris durant cette session de formation. | 1 | Aucun rapport avec mon job actuel. | 7 | Suggestion : une mise en perspective microcontroleur / microprocesseurs / SOC telle que décrite dans la présentation de C. Blaess - http://www.blaess.fr/christophe/files/Solutions-pour-Linux-embarqu%C3%A9-Panorama-et-crit%C3%A8res-de-choix.pdf | 4 | "Linux kernel and driver development", mais le coût de la formation est élevé pour une personne qui finance sur ses propres deniers. | 5 | Trainer, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only) | par le biais de contributions sur linuxfr | Not interested | Toujours disponible, prend le temps de ré-expliquer les concepts, adapte la durée des tp à la vitesse d'assimilation des auditeurs. | 3 | 5 | Essentiel pour fixer les concepts. | Les labs sont d'un bon niveau technique. | 4 | 2 | Pour une personne novice dans le domaine de l'embarqué, il manque peut-être un peu de temps pour boucler les tous les tp. Mais cela est discutable pour les personnes ayant déjà de bonnes bases dans le domaine. | From more than 100 km / 60 miles, same country |