
TimestampHow did the course meet your learning objectives?How was the duration of the course?Comments and suggestionsComments and suggestionsHow useful was the lecture document?Comments and suggestionsWill you recommend this document to others?Comments and suggestionsIf you have Linux / Android project opportunities, will you use this document again in the future?Comments and suggestionsHow knowledgeable was the instructor?Comments and suggestionsDid instructor oral explanations add value to the lecture materials?CommentsHow much value did the instructor add to lecture materials?Suggestions and commentsWas the instructor helpful with practical labs?Comments and suggestionsHow do you rate the training equipment (mainly computers)?Comments and suggestionsHow well was the course organized (program, registration, schedule...)?Comments and suggestionsHow much did you learn?Comments and suggestionsHow useful should this course be in your daily job?Comments and suggestionsWould you recommend this course to others?Comments and suggestionsOverall ratingComments and suggestionsAn extra session?CommentsHow did the course meet your learning objectives?What part(s) of the course did you like most?CommentsWhat part(s) of the course did you like least?What prompted you to choose Free Electrons?How did you first learn about Free Electrons?Interested in other types of embedded Linux / Android engineering services?Comments and expectationsComments and suggestionsHow do you rate training conditions (room size, equipment, environment)?How useful were the training labs?Comments and suggestionsComments and suggestionsHow difficult were the training labs?Was enough time dedicated to practical labs?Comments and suggestionsHow far do you come from?


9/12/2014 13:35:54345344553715Availability for on-site sessionsFree Electrons chosen by my managementnot for now4533From more than 100 km / 60 miles, same country


9/12/2014 13:35:55445455533634How to boot the kernel (configuration u-boot)
Nand memory support
Manually compiling libraries (libvorbis, etc.)Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Availability for on-site sessions, Open training materials that can be checked in advanceFree Electrons chosen by my managementBoard Support Package development: make Linux / Android support your new hardware, Power management5534From less than 100 km / 60 miles


9/12/2014 13:39:563454Parlez plus fort. 5555465Linux drivers4Not applicable - My management made the decisionProposed by a collegueNot interested55Mettre plus en évidence les commandes essentielles pour les actions importantes. TB33From less than 100 km / 60 miles


9/12/2014 13:40:343Très bien. Formation très bien donnée, agréable, documents et labo de qualité, enseignant de qualité. Bravo !
Pour nos instructeurs, ne pas hésiter à parler un peu plus fort... pour ceux qui sont au fond de la salle.
55355542755Compilation du noyau, compilation croisée, travail avec la mémoire, avec les NAND (jffs2), chargement du noyau, bootloader, ... sur la carte.Explication des licences GPL, ...
Lister les distributions et les logiciels pour carte embarquée.
Availability for on-site sessionsProfesseur Florent GlückNot interested5533From less than 100 km / 60 miles


9/12/2014 13:49:2143On dit de faire des actione qui sont expliqué parfoix bien plus loin dans le document4543pc un peux léger pour les temps de compilation443pas très utile pour le moment mais peux permettre de lancé de nouveaux project64oui mais pas a la suite car une semaine de cours sur un même sujet est lasant4Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Availability for on-site sessions, Costproposé par mail dans mon entrepriseBoard Support Package development: make Linux / Android support your new hardware4432From less than 100 km / 60 miles


9/12/2014 13:54:193Très bien. 5 jours est une durée plus longue que d'habitude, mais donne au moins l'avantage de bien se plonger dans le sujetConnaisseur de Linux, mais novice dans tout le développement noyau et Linux embarqué, j'ai de ce fait énormément appris durant ce cours.5Très bonne doc. suffisamment détaillée pour pouvoir par la suite je pense revenir sur les acquis appris. (peut être avec google en complément pour chercher des détails)5Très bon niveau. Ont relevé tous les challenges et questions que nous leur avons posé. 4Les transparents sont déjà très complets. L'apport de l'instructeur était excellent54453Va m'obliger à ne plus avoir peur d'aller dans le domaine du linux embarqué pour les prochains projets.75Je pense que votre cours Android pourrait prochainement m'intéresser également5Laboratoires très pratiqueUn peu moins intéressé par la compilation applicative, mais très bien de l'avoir vu avec les astuces pour la Cross compilationNot applicable - My management made the decisionOrganisé en interne dans nos locaux par une une autre personne qui vous connaissaitBoard Support Package development: make Linux / Android support your new hardware, Boot time reduction, Power management, Root filesystem design and development, Consulting in technology selection and methodology Nous avons réussi tous nos laboratoires, même bien au delà.45Géniaux. Ils sont extrêmement bien construit. 2 premières journées très structurés, puis par la suite, beaucoup plus obligé de se creuser la tête pour les résoudre. Très bonne idée de nous faire partir de zéro en partant du download de kernel.org puis en construisant tout. Très bien de nous montrer les solutions "facile" pour construire rapidement un système complet.. Très bien d'avoir utilisé une carte de dev. récente et peu honéreusecf ci-dessus33From less than 100 km / 60 miles


9/12/2014 16:56:51355555533754Embedded systems boot processGraphical toolkitsGeographical proximity (public sessions only), CostCourse recommended by previous participantsNot interested5533From less than 100 km / 60 miles


9/12/2014 16:58:45355554A bit slow but OK5457I think it could be great to be able to do this same course but using a Raspberry Pi. As a lot of people have one, it would more easy to redo the course on our own.5Linux device driver development 4- Give a very good, up to date, workflow to build a linux-based embedded system from scratch
- Huge knowledge of the instructor, very good disponibility to answer questions
NoneNot applicable - My management made the decisionTechnical resources on the Free Electrons websiteConsulting in technology selection and methodology 5533From more than 100 km / 60 miles, same country


9/12/2014 17:06:1635Very good documentation, especially the labs which featured a great amount of details.5Valuable instructors. Good knowledge with first hand experience.5Without the instructors, it would be much more difficult to understand the material viewed in class. They also gave many real-life examples which helped a lot.554Some of the breaks could have been a bit shorter ;-)5I now have a much clearer view of what's involved in the development of an emebedded system in terms of operating system.5I'll probably base one of my courses on it. Thanks a lot!75The kernel development course interests me a lot and it seems to be the logical continuation to the course given here.
We might contact you again in the future ;-)
5The labs.Certain parts that were fairly common/well-known or not that that important in the context of the class (licenses, enumerations of editors, source control systems, etc.).Availability for on-site sessions, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Good recommendation from someone who had already followed your courseCourse recommended by previous participantskernel developmentGreat course! I especially like how well written the labs are and how up to date the material/exercises are.
Keep up the good work!
They could answer pretty much any questions asked.55If we follow exactly what's written in each lab, the exercises are fairly easy. I suppose the risk is that people might not think too much about what they are actually doing at the cost of not fully understanding the different steps. Perhaps, the labs should feature more gaps (or holes), forcing people to find out the missing bits. This might improve their understanding of each exercise.23From a foreign country


9/15/2014 11:08:193I think there was too much time on the file systems (UBI). That could be shortened.5Very nice slides55I had a very good knowledge and added complements to the slides.4Too hot on Tuesday.5Everything worked.54463The Linux Kernel, which is the next course to follow :-)4hepia proposedTechnical resources on the Free Electrons websiteNot interestedWe didn't have that much troubles, but he could solve the ones we had.3533From less than 100 km / 60 miles