. | Timestamp | How did the course meet your learning objectives? | How was the duration of the course? | Comments and suggestions | Comments and suggestions | How helpful was the lecture document? | Comments and suggestions | Will you recommend this document to others? | Comments and suggestions | If you have Linux / Android project opportunities, will you use this document again in the future? | Comments and suggestions | How knowledgeable was the instructor? | Comments and suggestions | Did instructor oral explanations add value to the lecture materials? | Comments | How well did the instructor answer questions from the audience? | Suggestions and comments | Was the instructor helpful with practical labs? | Comments and suggestions | How do you rate the training equipment (mainly computers)? | Comments and suggestions | How well was the course organized (program, registration, schedule...)? | Comments and suggestions | How much did you learn? | Comments and suggestions | How useful should this course be in your daily job? | Comments and suggestions | Would you recommend this course to others? | Comments and suggestions | Overall rating | Comments and suggestions | An extra session? | Comments | How did the course meet your learning objectives? | What part(s) of the course did you like most? | Comments | What part(s) of the course did you like least? | What prompted you to choose Free Electrons? | How did you first learn about Free Electrons? | Interested in other types of embedded Linux / Android engineering services? | Comments and expectations | Comments and suggestions | How do you rate training conditions (room size, equipment, environment)? | How useful were the training labs? | Comments and suggestions | Comments and suggestions | How difficult were the training labs? | Was enough time dedicated to practical labs? | Comments and suggestions | How far do you come from? |
. | 6/14/2013 14:27:35 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 4 | oui par une session plus dense sur le temps réel | 4 | La partie builroot est tres intéressante. | La gestion de conf. | Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Trainer, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Language | Course recommended by previous participants | Boot time reduction, Power management, Real-time: implementation and bug fixing, Root filesystem design and development, Investigating and fixing bugs | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | From less than 100 km / 60 miles | ||||||||||||||||||||||
. | 6/14/2013 14:38:43 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | May be suggest to mix people coming from the same company or from different Linux levels to leverage levels (not sure!) | 5 | Great informations in all fields. | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | Very efficient organization even with a short delay to register. | 5 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 4 | Probably the session with developping with Linux Kernel. | 5 | I liked most of the parts, especially the steps which allow to have a fully running system. The licensing also, the adivces about the design were very very useful. | Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Language, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only), content of the session | Internet search engines | Not interested | May be reduce the number of fields in this evaluation! ;) | 5 | 5 | May be try to continue all the Labs with the development board. | 3 | 4 | From a foreign country | ||||||||||||||||||
. | 6/14/2013 14:43:26 | 3 | 4 | 3 | C'est mieux avec la formation! | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 1 | Pas pour l'instant, peut-être je serais intéressé par linux kernel and drivers | 5 | Bootloader & Kernel | Compilation: difficile à comprendre pour quelqu'un qui n'utilise ça normalement. Peut-être voir les outils de compilation automatique avant la compilation manuelle aiderait à comprendre mieux cette partie? | Trainer, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only), Topic, experience of freeElectrons in this topic | Course recommended by previous participants | Not interested | 5 | 5 | Je n'aurais pas compris les concepts sans les TP | 3 | 3 | From less than 100 km / 60 miles | ||||||||||||||||||||
. | 6/14/2013 14:46:00 | 2 | There is so much more to lurn and the food is great, so it could have definitely last longer ! | Maybe a bit more precision on how sysfs interact with the board I/O as the main purpose of this devices are to interact with others. | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | "Amazing" would be more accurate. | 4 | That's because I've rebuild a lot. | 5 | 4 | 5 | 5 | It has been recommended to me and i'll spread the word too. | 7 | wouhouuu ! | 5 | The one that covers more deeply the Linux Kernel. | 5 | Toolchain compilation, U-boot, Kernel manipulation (flashing, nfs root ...) and Buildroot 101 | The graphical library compilation but it's the point, right ? | Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Trainer, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only) | Course recommended by previous participants | Board Support Package development: make Linux / Android support your new hardware, Boot time reduction, Root filesystem design and development | Even the one i set to myself. | 5 | 5 | 3 | 2 | From less than 100 km / 60 miles | |||||||||||||||
. | 6/14/2013 14:50:06 | 3 | a mon sens, c'est un tres bon training pour comprendre l'interet et comment mettre en place un systeme embarqué. Au niveau de mon objectif, cette formation est une bonne introductions. A mon niveau une formation kernel est necessaire. | 5 | le support et plutot bon et suffisament detaillé pour reference future. | 3 | Je pense que le support sans instructeur soit difficile à suivre. Par contre c'est un support bien fait pour revenir sur la formation plus tard. | 3 | je ne suis pas sur que ce support soit suffisant pour aller dans des problematiques (debug ...) kernels et/ou android. | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | clim inssuportable ! salle et environement (très) confortable | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | je vais prendre un poste d'integration Linux, je ne sais pas à quel point ce training va m'aider. Je pense qu'une formation Kernel/driver me sera très utile | 4 | Specialement pour les personnes qui veulent decouvrir l'interet des systemes embarqués linux | 6 | 5 | un approfondissement dans le kernel/driver me serait très utile. | 4 | Geographical proximity (public sessions only), recommendé pour la qualité des formations | Course recommended by previous participants | Not interested, pas pour l'instant, me je retiens l'expertise FreeElectron dans les systemes embarqués | 4 | 4 | les labs sont bon car montre les difficulté que l'on peut rencontrer lors de la construction d'un systeme embarqué. | 3 | 3 | From less than 100 km / 60 miles | ||||||||||||||||
. | 6/14/2013 14:51:21 | 3 | Taper moins de commande et faire plus de manipulation avec le hardware : Application sur la cible | 4 | Insérer toutes les commandes à taper dans le manuel | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 5 | Pb avec la clim non ajustable | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 5 | Préciser dans la présentation de la formation le niveau de maîtrise nécessaire sur les commandes Linux. | 4 | Manipulation sur la cible, temps de démarrage sur la cible, ... | 4 | Interaction avec la cible et outils automatique | Trainer, Cost | Course recommended by previous participants | Boot time reduction | 4 | 3 | Trop de ligne de commande à taper, plus de TP sur la cible si possible. | Il y a beaucoup de chose à retenir d'un jour sur l'autre surtout pour lrs non pratiquant Linux | 4 | 5 | From more than 100 km / 60 miles, same country |