
TimestampHow did the course meet your learning objectives?How was the duration of the course?Comments and suggestionsComments and suggestionsHow helpful were the lecture materials?Comments and suggestionsWill you recommend these materials to others?Comments and suggestionsIf you have Linux project opportunities, will you use these materials again in the future?Comments and suggestionsHow knowledgeable was the instructor?Comments and suggestionsDid instructor oral explanations add value to the lecture materials?CommentsHow well did the instructor answer questions from the audience?Suggestions and commentsWas the instructor helpful with practical labs?Comments and suggestionsHow useful were the training labs?Comments and suggestionsHow difficult were the training labs?Comments and suggestionsWas enough time dedicated to practical labs?Comments and suggestionsHow do you rate training conditions (room size, equipment, environment)?Comments and suggestionsHow do you rate the training equipment (mainly computers)?Comments and suggestionsHow well was the course organized (program, registration, schedule...)?Comments and suggestionsHow much did you learn?Comments and suggestionsHow useful should this course be in your daily job?Comments and suggestionsWould you recommend this course to others?Comments and suggestionsOverall ratingComments and suggestionsAn extra session?CommentsHow did the course meet your learning objectives?What part(s) of the course did you like most?CommentsWhat part(s) of the course did you like least?What prompted you to choose Free Electrons?How did you first learn about Free Electrons?Interested in other types of embedded Linux engineering services?Comments and expectations


10/21/2011 10:52:24345555555555563TBD5Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Language, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only)Internet search enginesDriver development - Make Linux support your new hardware, Technical support, Consulting in technology selection and methodology


10/21/2011 10:52:35345555555544565kernel and drivers4Not applicable - My management made the decisionFree Electrons chosen by my managementDriver development - Make Linux support your new hardware, Boot time reduction, Power management, Real-time: implementation and bug fixing, Build environment deployment and support, Investigating and fixing bugs


10/21/2011 10:53:1455555555554juste parceque je connaissais déjà un peu ;-)5567 c'est pour dieu lui même3pas forcément besoin pour le moment. En fonction des problèmes rencontrés ensuite5buildrootOpen training materials that can be checked in advance, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only)Internet search enginesPower management, Build environment deployment and support, Technical support, Consulting in technology selection and methodology , On-site development, support and consulting servicestrès bonne formation, rarement fait de formation de ce niveau!


10/21/2011 10:57:16555455555544574Oui, je serai intéressé pour une formation plus orienté sur le développement de drivers et leur intégration dans un système embarqué.4Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Availability for on-site sessions, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Language, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only)Internet search enginesDriver development - Make Linux support your new hardware, Consulting in technology selection and methodology


10/21/2011 10:58:44355555455554573Driver and/or BSP development and porting.4Very good material and good balance between courses and practice The practice part is sometime a little bit confusing and it is not clear what is goal for each part.
It should be more "step by step" to give a better highlight of the required knowledge.
Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Language, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only)Internet search enginesDriver development - Make Linux support your new hardware


10/21/2011 11:03:1635555He has knowledge, hands-on experience and he is able to provide clear explanations. That's a rare combination. Bravo.55445Given SNCF current troubles with schedules, recommending commuting every day from remote towns is a little optimistic.45Let's say it will be very useful for the job I'm creating myself. My current job is not related to embedded Linux.562My current employer won't pay willingly for other sessions. I could only afford this training thanks to French DIF. That said, I need now to work on my project to find the areas there I need more training.5Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only), implication in open-sourceVideo records in FOSDEMConsulting in technology selection and methodology


10/21/2011 11:04:073Good point : There is a lot of subjects to cover, but since hardware and sources are provided to participants, some parts can continue to be studied after the training! 45555445443465kernel driver5allTrainer, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only), CostTechnical resources on the Free Electrons websiteBoot time reduction, Power management, Investigating and fixing bugs


10/21/2011 11:04:152La partie sur le système de flash est très fastidieuse et absolument nécessaire, mais prend peut-être trop de temps. Du coup la partie "debug" et "temps réel" s'en trouve peut-être affectée ????La partie UBoot est très fortement axée sur la carte d'évaluation. J'aurais aimé pouvoir faire un test sur une autre carte et voir justement les différences....

553Cette plateforme semble intéressante. Cependant ma société utilise pour l'instant des PowerPC. Mais les ARM semblent vraiment avoir le vent en poupe.5445Les pauses et les repas vraiment sympa !!

4Parfois quelques comportement bizarre du clavier externe (passage de la langue FR/US intempestif)554565Nous utilisons pour l'instant un powerPC sur une carte du commerce (TQM8265). Cependant nous aurons la nécessité de développer des drivers.

Donc à bientôt sans doute pour le cours sur les drivers linux !!
4La partie sur UBoot et le ssytème de fichier en flashle passage en revue des différents outils pour linux, peut-être inutile ????Availability for on-site sessions, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only)Internet search enginesDriver development - Make Linux support your new hardware


10/21/2011 11:07:15444443444443343kernel debugging3Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Language, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only), Access to full feedback from participants to previous sessions, CostInternet search enginesDriver development - Make Linux support your new hardware, Real-time: implementation and bug fixing, Build environment deployment and support, Root filesystem design and development, Investigating and fixing bugs