
TimestampHow did the course meet your learning objectives?How was the duration of the course?Comments and suggestionsComments and suggestionsHow helpful were the lecture materials?Comments and suggestionsWill you recommend these materials to others?Comments and suggestionsIf you have Linux project opportunities, will you use these materials again in the future?Comments and suggestionsHow knowledgeable was the instructor?Comments and suggestionsDid instructor oral explanations add value to the lecture materials?CommentsHow well did the instructor answer questions from the audience?Suggestions and commentsWas the instructor helpful with practical labs?Comments and suggestionsHow useful were the training labs?Comments and suggestionsHow difficult were the training labs?Comments and suggestionsWas enough time dedicated to practical labs?Comments and suggestionsHow do you rate training conditions (room size, equipment, environment)?Comments and suggestionsHow do you rate the training equipment (mainly computers)?Comments and suggestionsHow well was the course organized (program, registration, schedule...)?Comments and suggestionsHow much did you learn?Comments and suggestionsHow useful should this course be in your daily job?Comments and suggestionsWould you recommend this course to others?Comments and suggestionsOverall ratingComments and suggestionsAn extra session?CommentsHow did the course meet your learning objectives?What part(s) of the course did you like most?CommentsWhat part(s) of the course did you like least?What prompted you to choose Free Electrons?How did you first learn about Free Electrons?


6/10/2011 16:58:08355555555335Very good meals :)
5544575- Multimedia part: QT, sound...
- Linux system programming
4File system and real time (the part I knew less than the others)- Toolchain generationOpen training materials that can be checked in advance, Access to full feedback from participants to previous sessionsTechnical resources on the Free Electrons website


6/11/2011 23:36:143Provide more detailled solutions of the labs to allow poeple to do completely the lab on their own at homeThe goal of learning generic embedded Linux system on ARM is fully met
455454The instructor spent time to answer all questions related to the training content or related to other embedded Linux subjects. This was very appreciated.543345545573I am definetely interested in another session going deeper into the kernel; I will have a look at the slides of your Linux kernel and driver development training.5- part about the NAND flash file system (directly applicable in my job)
- debugging tools for embedded systems
- globally, the presentation of the generic structure of an ARM Linux system was very helpfull to me
- real time Linux (completely new to me)
- the introduction part was maybe a little bit too longTrainer, Open training materials that can be checked in advance, recommendation by colleaguerecommendation by colleague


6/14/2011 17:05:5835Helpful during formation and very helpful as memo after formation.554555Especially when we want to experience something deeper5The training labs are the best way to implement the elements seen during courses.33They were well balanced according to "theorical" courses.4larger table for practical lab ?5555Especially for future tasks in embedded linux world574- Optimization (software size / performance)5The descriptions of the differents tools and the kind of "How to" associated. (u-boot, busybox, buildroot, jffs2, squash, ...)i don't known, all topics interested me ...Geographical proximity (public sessions only), Open training materials that can be checked in advance, Hardware giveaway (public sessions only)Internet search engines


6/24/2011 17:04:083544545532254454563I don't know for the moment, let's see when I will start really working with Linux!4the coursesthe labsNot applicable - My management made the decisionFree Electrons chosen by my management


6/24/2011 17:11:12333345551Due to the difference in the audience capabilities a lot of people was late finishing labs and try to finish them during the next lecture. This bring to bad understanding of slides new delays on lab....
It will be very useful to provide scripts,tips,separate solutions, to be able to start from scratch a lab even if the previous are not completed
3233333343n.n.3 n.n. n.n.Not applicable - My management made the decisionInternet search engines


6/24/2011 17:13:383Trop de contenu pour 5 jours (pour un debutant)3Slides ok, mais les TP pas asses precis et detailles (toujours pour debutant)4454553Labs trop imprecis, des solutions completes seraient un plus, si on prend du retard un jour, il est quasi impossible de revenir au niveau des autres.2244543On va voir a l'avenir45Un groupe plus petit et plus homogene (point de vu connaissance) aurait ete plus profitable pour tout le monde3Tout depend le travail futur (fully Linux or not)4Apprendre a faire un systeme complete de A a ZLes parties non vuesMike a deja fait un cours a IfxFree Electrons chosen by my management


6/24/2011 17:16:224quelques lectures et lab trop longs4444443quelques petits schemas explicatifs au debuts de chaque lab ainsi que indications supplementaires pour certains lab eviterais que certains stagiaires decrochent.
Il faudrait que tous les stagiaires avancent en meme temps
2certains labs sont peut etre trop long comme la compilation de librairie, quand on a eu une ou deux erreurs, on pourrais passer a la suite sans passer par toutes erreurs1pour des debutants en Linux il n'est pas evident de trouver les bonnes commandes avec les bons arguments444443451n'etant pas developpeur sous Linux, j'ai eu les informations que je souhaitais avoir dans ce training4les 2/3 premiers jours car c'est dans cette partie que j'ai eu les informations que je souhaitais avoir les derniers labGeographical proximity (public sessions only), Availability for on-site sessions, CostFree Electrons chosen by my management


6/24/2011 17:23:371see above, 2 extra days would be appreciated or not cover as much topics: split the course maybe...Too much complex (from my background) and too much in ONLY 5 days, will recommend 7 days or even more...or include more details or hint about How To...
3Good enough, despite for the labs a hint or How To page including between each lab - at beginning of it for example3yes but with recommendation related to background ...4Of course yet as the log is plenty of my additional comments...4no comments4yes, maybe share the problems encountered (recapitulation) would have been strongly appreciated - especially for me as my background was poor regarding some others attendees4good but only on demand I mean no sharing problems encountered...by the other groups...4no comments4Good but personally it was a marathon! I had to skip one lab (files system) and the training - would have been very good to do as well...
but at least, what I did, I did on my own and understood it... a good starting if I had to be involved in the future in Linux projects...
4My opinion: difficult enough - vs my initial background!! (poor one...)4No...always because of my initial knowledge!!4no more comments4no more comments3OK,
4Quite a lot! thanks...2I don't know....yet....4yes I will4Good as the rating can say but main remark is to re-focus each lab done or started on what we did so far what was the purpose, what is the purpose coming next,...by oral, a better pedagogic approach - each morning like a refresh...
But thanks ...
3no...or part of other training - or longer training session3both lecture and labs,...but essentially lab with file block, and the one before - because I did them, afterwards, I did no more...unfortunatelythe end as too much talk and not enough practice I mean to see the interactionsAvailability for on-site sessions, LanguageMy training proposed here by my company!


7/4/2011 10:12:315Too much exercice and nobody could go to the end.4444443Problems faced by some teams and solved by instructor were not communicated to other teams.43It was fine, but a lot of time were lost in downloading data.1Not enough time in regards to the number of practical labs3I would have prefered to have one PC for each trainees. 3444451Not for now.4We had a good overview of all Linux knowledge related to embedded environment.
All topics were seen with good explanation.
The oral explanation of materials should not have started before everybody has finished the pratical labs, mainly because, the ones who were late on pratical labs tried to continue the labs during the oral explanations and were missing some important knowledges. It should have been better to give a correction on the pratical labs at the end and before continuing with lectures. Like this everybody will have progressed together.
Here, in the end some gave up the labs because they were late, some others skipped some labs, some others did the labs without really understanding what they were doing.
I also think one PC per student would have been better. Because most of the time, when two are behind a laptop only one is really working. With one PC per student, the one who finished early could help the one who are late.
Not applicable - My management made the decisionTI knowledge